What a high octane few months it has been on Ivanti Neurons for Spend Intelligence! With our first release in October last year our product teams took their first exciting step into solving the difficulties associated with managing the purchasing and delicate balance of cost optimization by combining visibility with targeted action.
At Ivanti, our highest priority is our customer. With that in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to share some research that my team and I have found valuable as we have migrated through the COVID period. The two pieces of Gartner research, highlighted below and linked to on our landing page below, really hit home at Ivanti so we wanted to share them with all of you.
The Community and Advocacy Team here at PagerDuty recently spruced up our library of ops guides, and we’re excited to share them with you. If you’re not familiar with the ops guides, they are an open-sourced collection of long-form documents that cover a variety of topics related to real-time operations and incident management. We’ve given them some spiffy new headers, cleaned up some sneaky errors, and added a new section titled “Next Steps.”
In this episode of Coffee & Containers, Bruno Andrade, Founder/CEO @ Shipa and Melissa McKay, Developer Advocate @ JFrog discuss some specific Kubernetes related obstacles.
Organizations lose billions of dollars to fraud each year. For instance, the financial services sector projects losses to reach $40 billion per year in the next 5-7 years unless financial institutions, merchants, and consumers become more diligent about fraud detection and prevention. Splunk delivers integrated enterprise fraud management software that quickly defines behavior patterns and protects enterprise information from malicious actors.
Python is one of the leading programming languages in the world. Many of the world’s most popular websites run, at least in part, on Python, including Instagram, Google, Instacart, Uber, Netflix, and Spotify. When the language is used properly, it can be very efficient and requires low processing power in most cases. It’s important for sites to rely on python load testing best practices and security testing services by companies like QAwerk to understand how efficiently their site runs.
To say that things have changed since March 2020 is so commonplace it’s becoming trite. Everybody knows that people have worked from home where possible. HR and IT functions have dovetailed as never before. The HR personnel are therefore likely to be working from home, but they have an additional pressure: they are supporting, and their managers are managing, teams they can’t see.
Ubuntu has evolved a lot since its early beginnings as an easier-to-use derivative of Debian that catered primarily to the nascent Linux desktop market. Today Ubuntu is deployed beyond just your laptops at home and in the office. Nowadays you are more likely to find Ubuntu in the cloud, powering some of the world’s best known enterprises and running on various IoT devices out in the field.