Few things have more potential for causing stress within software teams than a defective build cycle. Each of us remembers the first time in our careers when our code broke the build. For many of us, there’s still a sigh of relief at each step in the process when nothing blows up. In a perfect world, where we’d all write flawless code with 100% test coverage, builds would be stressless, boring affairs.
In the industry, the long-held theory behind observability is that a successful stack consists of three key components – metrics, logging, and tracing. “This is a mental model for people who are often new to observability which helps them get a handle on what they need to implement to be successful,” said Grafana Labs VP of Product Tom Wilkie during a keynote presentation he delivered at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU in May alongside Red Hat Software Engineer Frederic Branczyk.
Addressing Wi-Fi issues can be challenging Tracking the availability, speed, and performance of a large number of systems, servers, VMs, routers, access points, firewalls, interfaces, and WAN links, plus monitoring their health is not a simple task. Tackling angry emails from employees about Wi-Fi running slowly, or it taking a lifetime to download a simple setup file or load a business-critical application, can hamper productivity.
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) in the US. IT departments are tasked with protecting more than ever. Today’s IT department is responsible for creating, maintaining and managing a myriad of systems. Not only do you need to secure internal connections, but you also need to ensure availability for cloud-based applications and your company website. Many of the suggestions below may be already in place.
Over the last few years, we have seen a significant shift with companies moving away from developing heavy, monolithic applications and instead adopting new approaches like microservices and even serverless applications. These allow companies to work in a faster and more agile way. Speed and agility are important when a task like deploying a new piece of code to production multiple times a day is normal behavior for a modern environment.