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A View of the Clouds

Not long ago, we talked about the need to maintain visibility across all of your multicloud investments so you can keep track of how well they are working for you as well as how much they are costing you. Historically, this has meant building reports on numbers of VMs in use, system utilization, storage consumption, and the like. But much has changed since the early days of hypervisors, and organizations creating cloud-based services today are moving quickly toward serverless models.

Up and Running: Windows Containers With Rancher 2.3 and Terraform

Windows Support went GA for Kubernetes in version 1.14 and represented years of work. This has been the effort of excellent engineers from companies including Microsoft, Pivotal, VMWare, RedHat, and the now-defunct Apprenda, among others. I’ve been a lurker and occasional contributor to the sig-windows community going back to my days with Apprenda, and I’ve continued to follow it in my current role with Rancher Labs.

The Top 10 DevOps Trends of 2019

At Logz.io we’re always keeping tabs on the latest and greatest in the DevOps world, for the benefit of both our own engineering team and for the teams that use our products. As the days get shorter and colder, we decided to look back on 2019 and share the top trends we’ve seen in 2019 so far. The acronym “CALMS” (Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, Sharing) is a helpful way to structure thinking about DevOps tools and techniques.