Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Brave New PM2

I would like to start by a big THANK YOU, to all PM2 users, contributors, customers, to my team and to the whole Node.js family. Without you, we wouldn't have built such a tool that helps thousands of businesses run their Node.js apps confidently. I deeply love Node.js and I'm still strong on my belief that Node.js is the de facto modern back-end language which increases the productivity of so many businesses, startups, innovators and hackers.

Less Clicking, More Doing: How We Think About Your Experience

We recently shipped an update to navigating inside Honeycomb. Thus far, results have been positive – thank you! We wanted to give you a behind the scenes look at why and how this work came along. It’s easy to develop a certain blindness after working with your own code day-in day-out. Staring at something over a long period of time wears down the jagged edges that once used to protrude and now appear as normal.

Building + testing open source monitoring tools

At Monitorama 2018, I shared some of the cool process and knowledge I’ve learned from developing a product for people other than myself to consume. After spending six years on call, I now build software that wakes people up in the night — AKA, infrastructure and tooling for systems monitoring and performance analysis. As someone who’s been there, I’m conscientious about building quality software that people delight in using.

What happens when your SSL / TLS certificate expires

We live a busy life and as a result, we all forget to get some tasks done on time. The fact is that some things should not be delayed and a good example of this renewing your SSL / TLS certificates. What an SSL certificate does is to allow a person, a computer or an organization to exchange information in a secure way.

Announcing the Sumo Logic Global Intelligence Service at Illuminate 2018

In today’s hyper-connected world, a company’s differentiation is completely dependent upon delivering a better customer experience, at scale, and at a lower cost than the competition. This is no easy feat, and involves a combination of many things, particularly adopting new technologies and architectures, as well as making better use of data and analytics.