Choosing between blade servers or those intended to go installed in a rack is a small headache that is repeated daily in the complex minds of technicians around the world. What configuration to choose? What can best serve my installation? These are questions that are repeated while they pull out their silvery and silky hairs.
One of the biggest impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic has been the number of employees asked or required to work from home. Whilst the capability to work completely remotely has been available for many years now, some companies have been reticent to take advantage of this due to the managerial and technical difficulties involved in managing remote teams and networks.
Gradually, brick by brick, we will get the necessary toolkit to build a company and maintain it. If on previous occasions we have emphasized the importance of monitoring a company’s IT systems, today we will review what it is and what advantages we when we centralize monitoring. The goal is pretty simple: we want to have maximum control over the IT of a company moving unbridled to the summit.
If we had to give a name to this release, we would definitely call it WUX 3.0, or the Great User Experience Monitoring Development, with visual enhancements but particularly with the session recorder replacement, which now supports the latest Selenium versions. This version contains new dashboards for enterprise users now also available for all Community version users.