
Arhus, Denmark
  |  By Thomas Ardal
The In-process model of running Azure Functions is being retired in favor of the Isolated model in two years. A lot of components on elmah.io are running on Azure Functions. To ensure we are running on the most modern and supported platform (also in two years), we have spent quite some time migrating from In-process to Isolated functions. In this post, I'll share both a checklist to help you do the same as well as some of the lessons learned we had during the migration.
  |  By Thomas Ardal
It's time for a new post in the series about "secret" elmah.io features. This is the series where I highlight features that some of you may already know while others don't. For today's post, I want to highlight a feature that turns 3 years old this week: Breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs is a built-in feature in all of our client integrations and the UI. Debugging what went wrong is often a lot easier by providing a logged error with a list of breadcrumbs leading up to an error.
  |  By Thomas Ardal
I was just asked how to troubleshoot an HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error when trying to launch an ASP.NET Core website on IIS. I have seen this error too many times for both ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core so decided to write a blog post about at least one, obvious, fix. The problem happens when deploying the ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core website to IIS and getting the following error message in the browser.
  |  By Thomas Ardal
In this fourth post in the series of "secret" elmah.io features, I want to introduce you to one of several AI features available on elmah.io. We have had machine learning features like automatic bot detection and spike identification for years. But a recent addition to the portfolio of AI features is the integration with ChatGPT to get help solving issues. In this post, I'll show you how to set it up and how it works.
  |  By Thomas Ardal
In this third post in the series of "secret" elmah.io features, I want to introduce you to the elmah.io Command Line Interface (CLI). While you probably spend most of your elmah.io-related time inside the UI, the CLI offers some interesting possibilities not available through the web app. In this post, I'll show what I believe are the two most usable and helpful features of the elmah.io CLI. There are a lot of sub-commands so feel free to play around with it.
  |  By Thomas Ardal
This is the second post in the series about "secret" elmah.io features. While reading the first post before this one is not required, I highly recommend you also check it out. In this post, I'll introduce you to the correlation features available in elmah.io.
  |  By Thomas Ardal
Unit testing is most often used for testing business logic. But what if you want to ensure that your code logs important messages to your log store? In this post, I'll introduce you to FakeLogger and how it can be used to test logging code when using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and the ILogger interface. So, let's start by discussing why to even unit-test logging code. Adding good logging to your code is an often forgotten or down-prioritized practice.
  |  By Thomas Ardal
This is a new series of blog posts that I have been wanting to write for a while. elmah.io offers a large range of features both through the UI and the list of integrations. While basic error monitoring is used by all of our users, there are features available that can provide huge value but are not so commonly used or known. In this first part, I'll go through including source code in errors and how it will make it easier to debug errors.
  |  By Thomas Ardal
A big part of elmah.io is our clients for various web and logging frameworks. All of them are open-source, hosted on GitHub, and available as NuGet packages on nuget.org. I have blogged about building on GitHub Actions in the past. It struck me that I have never actually shared anything about the various steps we take for validating NuGet packages before pushing them. Let's fix that!
  |  By Thomas Ardal
JSON files have become part of our daily lives. We use JSON files for all sorts of tasks like settings, defining database schemas, and much more. The other day I found out that invalid JSON files had been pushed to one of our repositories. So, I decided to include JSON file validation as part of our build on Azure DevOps. In this post, I'll share the solution. I'm sure you can think of a scenario where invalid JSON files either do not parse as valid syntax or don't conform to the intended format.
  |  By elmah.io
Blazor WASM JS Wrapping in relation to ObjectReferences
  |  By elmah.io
This example shows how to produce Push Notifications with ASP.NET Core.
  |  By elmah.io
An introduction to elmah.io Heartbeats.
  |  By elmah.io
An introduction to how to install elmah.io in your.NET web project.
  |  By elmah.io
Tutorial on how to install elmah.io on a running website on Azure App Services.

elmah.io is the easy error logging and uptime monitoring service for .NET. Take back control of your errors with support for all .NET web and logging frameworks.

Never rely on users to report bugs again:

  • Error Monitoring: With elmah.io Error Monitoring, all errors on your websites are automatically synced to elmah.io’s powerful infrastructure in the cloud. Using a range of different dashboards, it is easy for you to monitor the current state of your applications and react as soon as something breaks down. You can track both a single application as well as get the full picture of all applications, using a range of interesting metrics. Integrations with popular instant messaging and issue tracking systems, reduce the time from introducing an error to deploying a fix in production. Our users tell us that elmah.io helps them introduce fewer errors into their applications.
  • Uptime Monitoring: elmah.io Uptime Monitoring continuously pings your endpoints from up to 5 different regions. When your endpoints start failing, errors are logged in your existing error logs. This means that all of the rules and notifications already set up just work. No need to maintain your team and notification rules in multiple tools. Uptime checks also validate your SSL certificates and domain names, giving you a chance to renew both before users start experiencing errors in their browser.
  • Deployment Tracking: Deployment Tracking gives you a perfect overview of the different versions of your software. New versions of your software are automatically registered by elmah.io. Metrics about the performance of each release are collected immediately. Being able to determine if a new release introduced bugs, will allow for quick fixing or rollback to a previous version. Deployment Tracking supports all of the popular deployment choices on the market, like Azure DevOps and Octopus Deploy.
  • Heartbeats: Heartbeats is for scheduled tasks and services as Uptime Monitoring is for your websites. Add a predefined schedule and publish heartbeats to elmah.io when a scheduled task succeeds, every hour from your Windows Service, and much more. elmah.io automatically monitors your heartbeats. Using the built-in notifications and App Store, your teams are notified as soon as one of your heartbeats is unhealthy or missing.