
Cologne, Germany
  |  By Sirine Karray
Regardless of industry specifications, creating and maintaining a highly functional incident management process is crucial for organizations of all sizes. The various potential applications of Generative AI in this process can significantly enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and speed of incident detection, analysis, and resolution. GenAI can be utilized across all stages of the incident management process, including preparation, response, communication, and learning.
  |  By Daria Yankevich
According to the Uptime Institute, during the last year, the number of IT incidents slowly declined while the average cost of every incident grew. As dependency on digital services increases, the cost for ⅔ of all outages exceeds $100,000. Stakes are rising, and more and more companies are investing in proactive incident management.
  |  By Daria Yankevich
In DevOps and IT operations, conducting a thorough postmortem after an incident is crucial for continuous improvement. This article explores best practices for creating effective postmortems, ensuring that your incident analysis won't be forgotten as soon as the danger has passed but will be comprehensive and actionable.
  |  By Sirine Karray
‍ AI has revolutionized various aspects of incident response, from preparation to resolution. Across the incident response lifecycle, AI is being leveraged to streamline processes, reduce noise, and improve overall efficiency. One critical area where AI is making a significant impact is in incident communication. Effective and efficient communication is crucial during incidents, as it ensures that stakeholders are informed and aligned with the incident status and resolution efforts.
  |  By Daria Yankevich
We're excited to share the latest enhancements to the ilert incident management platform! We’d be delighted to receive your feedback on these new features, so feel free to message us at Additionally, you can always leave feature requests on our open roadmap.
  |  By Daria Yankevich
Continuity and efficiency are pivotal. The alignment of sophisticated monitoring solutions with responsive alerting systems is crucial for maintaining system integrity and performance. With this vision at its core, ilert is excited to unveil the latest addition to its robust catalog of integrations: VictoriaMetrics. This integration marks a significant advancement for DevOps teams and IT professionals who are striving to improve their monitoring and alerting capabilities.
  |  By Daria Yankevich
We are excited to announce an integration between ilert and Honeycomb, offering users an enhanced experience in observability and incident management.
  |  By Daria Yankevich
For the last 12 months, our team has concentrated on elevating product features by integrating generative AI. By seamlessly weaving AI into the fabric of the service, we have enhanced the efficiency and responsiveness of incident management processes and pioneered a new approach to handling crises.
  |  By Daria Yankevich
ilert's integration catalog now includes a new addition for InfluxDB—an open-source time series database.
  |  By Daria Yankevich
At ilert, we are dedicated to providing an effortless, seamless connection between our incident management platform and other popular tools that empower teams to excel in operations. We're excited to introduce two new integrations from the Halo suite: HaloITSM and HaloPSA.
  |  By iLert
Welcome to our tutorial on changing the layout of your ilert status pages. In this video, we'll walk you through the layout options available and how to customize your status page to fit your needs best. Customizing your status page helps you communicate incidents and updates more effectively to your users. A well-organized status page enhances transparency and trust by clearly displaying service statuses and ongoing issues.
  |  By iLert
We're excited to announce a major update to the Call Routing add-on! Our new call flow builder makes it easy to create custom call flows. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface simplifies the configuration process, allowing you to create command sequences and multiple scenarios for different users by adding new branches to your flow. Watch this video to learn how to set up your first sequence of commands.
  |  By iLert
In this video, you'll learn how to update your status page directly from an alert. This method provides a quick way to notify your customers about any issues.
  |  By iLert
There are several ways to update ilert status pages. In this video, you'll learn how to do it using alert actions. We'll create a new alert action so that your status page automatically updates with a new status whenever an alert is received. Haven't tried ilert status pages yet? Get a public status page integrated with ilert alerting system for free.
  |  By iLert
In this video, we explore some helpful and perhaps less obvious features of ilert app. Watch to learn how to choose custom sounds for critical alerts, mute notifications for a specific period, and quickly set a maintenance mode for alert sources while on the go.
  |  By iLert
It's late at night, and your entire family is asleep. Suddenly, your monitoring tool sends out a critical alert. With ilert, you can get these alerts directly on your Apple Watch in a vibration-only mode. Check this video to learn how to enable notifications for your device.
  |  By iLert
ilert's maintenance windows feature allows users to schedule downtime for alert sources and services. This ensures that on-call responders won't receive alerts from alert sources during maintenance and service, and status page subscribers will be informed about planned and ongoing service maintenance. In this video, you will learn how to use this feature on ilert mobile app.
  |  By iLert
You can use ilert mobile app to receive notifications even when your phone is muted. In this video, you will learn how to switch on this feature.
  |  By iLert
Use the ilert mobile app to receive push notifications about alerts and gain access to essential incident management features so that you can take immediate action from anywhere. The app also allows you to quickly take over your colleague's on-call shift while on the go. Check out the video to learn more about this feature.
  |  By iLert
Use ilert support hours for alert sources to manage notifications' priority.

iLert is an incident and on-call management platform for DevOps teams. iLert helps you to respond to incidents faster by adding on-call schedules, SMS, and voice alerts to your existing monitoring tools.

iLert seamlessly connects with your tools using out pre-built integrations or via email. iLert integrates with monitoring, ticketing, chat, and collaboration tools.

The complete solution for operations teams:

  • Reliable & actionable alerting: Reliable alerts via voice, SMS, push notifications, Slack and more. Frictionless acknowledgement, no need to log-in anywhere.
  • On-call management & escalations: Share on-call responsibility across your team with on-call schedules and automatic escalations.
  • Uptime & performance monitoring: Whether it's your website, API or server. iLert lets you optimize the uptime and performance of your entire online presence.
  • Call routing - hotline for on-call teams: Reach on-call teams using a dedicated number. Incoming calls are routed via the on-call schedules and escalation that you already use for your alert sources.

Alerting, on-call management and uptime monitoring. Beautifully integrated.