
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
  |  By Sean Pratt
If you work with virtual machines or install and configure software on EC2 or leverage dynamic runtimes, chances are you’re also using Ansible. In fact, JFrog has supported installation via Ansible for some time. If they’re not using Red Hat, the way most organizations have managed their Ansible Collections – including Roles – is by storing them in Git repositories.
  |  By Sean Pratt
When working with ML models, it’s fair to say that a model is only as good as the data it was trained on. Training and testing models on quality datasets of an appropriate size is essential for model performance. Because of the intricate link between a model and the data it was trained on, it’s also important to be able to store datasets and versioned models together.
  |  By Batel Zohar
In our previous blog post, we explored JFrog Workers, a JFrog Cloud Platform service that allows you to create customized workers that can respond to events in the platform. These workers can perform various tasks, from running code to adjusting functions, giving you more flexibility and control over your workflows. Allowing you to automate processes and streamline your development pipeline in a serverless execution environment.
  |  By Sean Pratt
As we delve deeper into the era of software reliance, the 2024 JFrog Software Supply Chain report emerges as required reading for developers and DevOps professionals who are at the frontline of today’s technological innovations.
  |  By Yuval Fernbach
We are collectively thrilled to share some exciting news: Qwak will be joining the JFrog family! Nearly four years ago, Qwak was founded with the vision to empower Machine Learning (ML) engineers to drive real impact with their ML-based products and achieve meaningful business results. Our mission has always been to accelerate, scale, and secure the delivery of ML applications.
  |  By Shaked Zychlinski
Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) are the new revolution of Artificial Intelligence, bringing the world capabilities that we could only dream about less than two years ago. Unlike previous milestones, such as Deep Learning, in the current AI revolution, everything is happening faster than ever before. Many feel that the train is about to leave the station, and since we are talking about bullet trains – every day matters.
  |  By Batel Zohar
The latest JFrog collaboration with GitHub enables you to easily combine your favorite solutions for source code and binaries in a seamless integration. This means you now have a unified comprehensive and secure end-to-end experience that supports your software projects. This integration covers everything from curating open source packages, coding, CI, release management, deployment and production. Including three major improvements to your developer experience.
  |  By Yonatan Arbel
Just a few years back, developing AI/ML (Machine Learning) models was a secluded endeavor, primarily undertaken by small teams of developers and data scientists away from public scrutiny. However, with the surge in GenAI/LLMs, open-source models, and ML development tools, there’s been a significant democratization of model creation, with more developers and organizations engaging in ML model development than ever before.
  |  By Sean Pratt
If you deploy container-based services in Kubernetes, chances are you’re also using infrastructure-as-code to help automate the provisioning and maintenance of the cloud environments where your applications will run. Up until recently, Terraform was “the name” in infrastructure-as-code.
  |  By Sean Pratt
What it means to be “enterprise grade” has changed. In software development, the size of new artifacts and the pace of development has increased dramatically. Developers are now releasing new components daily, if not multiple times a day. With containerization, and now AI/ML models, new pieces of software can be multiple GBs or larger.
  |  By JFrog
In this video we take a closer look at how JFrog and Qwak deliver a straightforward and hassle-free user experience for bringing models to production, combined with the level of trust and provenance enterprises expect from JFrog as they deliver AI-powered applications.
  |  By JFrog
JFrog’s integration of OpenID Connect (OIDC) with GitHub Actions enables users to establish a trust relationship between their GitHub Actions and the JFrog Platform. The result is a more efficient and secure token management system, eliminating the need for manual token creation for each GitHub Action. In this video, Yonatan Arbel, Developer Advocate at JFrog, provides a short intro and a how-to demonstration of this integration.
  |  By JFrog
MyJFrog offers seamless oversight of your company's JFrog Platform environments, providing a comprehensive dashboard for both users and administrators. With MyJFrog, you can: Try it out at: my.jfrog.com.
  |  By JFrog
JFrog Connect is a modern Linux-first IoT platform designed to efficiently monitor, manage and update edge and IoT devices at scale. You can quickly register thousands of devices, organize them into logical groups, automate software updates for entire device fleets, and leverage secure tools to remotely troubleshoot devices from the comfort of your laptop. Start free at jfrog.com/connect.
  |  By JFrog
Looking to supercharge your DevSecOps skills and stay at the forefront of the tech industry? DevNext is a series of four live, 90-minute hands-on workshops crafted to help you take definitive steps toward mastering the tools of the DevSecOps trade.
  |  By JFrog
Watch the JFrog DevNext Artifactory workshop. The live audience experienced a real-time hands-on event to help them develop their skills with JFrog's Artifactory solution, and you can follow along with the replay.
  |  By JFrog
In this session, we explore different types of dependencies, highlight the hidden costs of dependency management, provide concise guidelines for using open-source libraries, and discuss important security considerations to improve the software development process.
  |  By JFrog
Take a tour of the new release lifecycle management capabilities in JFrog Artifactory. Benefit from streamlined releases, enhanced traceability and control.
  |  By JFrog
On this episode of the DevOps Speakeasy, we are joined by Bruce Schneier, Chief of Security Architecture, inrupt Bruce is an internationally renowned security technologist, called a security guru by the Economist. He is the New York Times best-selling author of 14 books -- including Click Here to Kill Everybody -- as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and academic papers.
  |  By JFrog
JFrog Curation in an automated DevSecOps solution designed to thoroughly vet and block malicious open source or third-party software packages and their respective dependencies before entering an organization’s software development environment.
  |  By JFrog
Cloud DevOps tools offer greater flexibility, rapid deployment, cloud automation, reduced IT costs, and low upfront costs with subscription pricing. Setting up your environment with Artifactory on the cloud on your choice provides unlimited scalability allowing you to grow according to your needs and is easily achieved by using cloud storage providers (Amazon AWS, Google GCP or Microsoft Azure) in your environment with Artifactory.
  |  By JFrog
Software businesses of every industry and all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises, are looking for ways to accelerate their software development process in the race to innovate and deliver their offerings to their customers ahead of their competition.
  |  By JFrog
Today, we live in a very connected world, where our devices, homes and cars all communicate with each other, and every company with a product or service has the need to develop software. It is one of the primary mediums by which they strive to provide better products, services and solutions, and has become paramount to a company's success. To continuously improve their software, companies must have sound DevOps or DevSecOps practices in place.
  |  By JFrog
In today's enterprises, software is your company's everyday face, whether through the desktop, the cloud, or a mobile device, to all parts of the globe. Cars are computers on wheels. Thermostats are data terminals. Banks live in your phone. In this new world, software updates serve customer's demands. Each one you deliver is your opportunity to renew - or, if botched, destroy - their trust. How can you make every update top-notch at top speed?
  |  By JFrog
Over the last several years, software development has evolved from deploying products periodically to building them on an ongoing basis using CI servers. A company's end product may be built on a daily or even hourly basis. This means that DevOps must support the continual flow of code from the individual developer's machine to the organization's production environment.
  |  By JFrog
Two numbers are shaking the foundations of business. What do these two figures mean to your business? They mean that, odds are your competitive landscape is irrevocably changed - already. To start, expectations for delivery speed for new products, services, and everything are faster. The new table stakes in the DevOps world have raised the bar on collaboration, cross-organizational visibility, efficiency, even company culture. Another thing these two simple stats mean is that most businesses are already there, or heading there now.

JFrog products seamlessly integrate with practically any development environment on Earth, from legacy code to the most recent containers and micro-services.

JFrog's end-to-end platform provides a fully automated pipeline for distributing trusted software releases. Connecting all developers, DevOps engineers and product owners to end devices, the JFrog Platform ensures software flows quickly and free from interruption.

End-to-End Universal DevOps Platform:

  • JFrog Artifactory: The undisputed software repository leader for integrated, universal artifact management at enterprise scale.
  • JFrog Container Registry: The world’s most flexible, hybrid container registry, with enterprise-grade resiliency backed by JFrog Artifactory.
  • JFrog XRay: Universal security vulnerability & compliance analysis, natively integrated with Artifactory for continuous governance across the DevOps pipeline.
  • JFrog Pipelines: Universally orchestrate software releases and master the entire CI/CD pipeline from code to production.
  • JFrog Distribution: Secure and validate your software releases, allowing trusted, optimized software distribution on a global scale.
  • JFrog Mission Control: A single access point providing a centralized dashboard to oversee your DevOps pipeline.

Universal Artifact Management for DevOps Acceleration.