
Ljubljana, Slovenia
  |  By Treo
Use Treo’s PageSpeed Insights integration to monitor your web pages with Lighthouse, view a detailed history, and receive alerts. Get started free at or explore the Live Demo.
  |  By Treo
Introducing Treo v2 — the page speed monitoring service that helps you build fast websites.
  |  By Treo
This article introduces an idea of stateless end-to-end tests using Google Chrome’s Lighthouse and automatic snapshots. This approach enables fast development experience and tests availability, performance, and quality regressions. For practical examples the article uses Treo.
  |  By Treo
Introducing Treo! A cloud infrastructure for Lighthouse that provides end-to-end testing, geographical regions, scalable API, and integrations with Github & Slack. In this post, I’ll cover main benefits of the product, my motivation to build it, and plans for future development.

Combining the power of data visualization with modern tooling, Treo helps you build fast websites:

  • High-quality monitoring: Powered by Google's Lighthouse, Treo audits your page every hour and keeps the full history.
  • Powerful dashboard: The dashboard aims to show your performance data so that you can learn and discover problems immediately.
  • Simple metrics: Focus on metrics that affect your user's web experience. These KPIs will be understandable by everyone on your team.
  • Flexible alerting: Receive alerts about the quality regression of your site. Don't let bad code reach production.

Delight your customers with a faster web experience. Make Google rank you higher because you care about page speed. Let web performance be your competitive advantage and drive more sales.