Biggest myths about eSIM cards

Biggest myths about eSIM cards

The growing popularity of electronic SIM cards (eSIMs) leads to the increasing spread of information about them as well. Unfortunately, some of it has nothing to do with the truth and only misleads the public. Therefore, in this text, we will review the biggest myths that usually accompany topics related to eSIMs. Let us have a look!

What is eSIM?

In short, eSIM is an innovative cellular chip which is integrated directly into devices (mobile phones, tablets, watches, etc.). It is believed to replace traditional plastic SIM cards soon. Why are they so successful? Why are they promised a bright future?

The answer to these questions lies in the several benefits that these cards can offer. First of all, it is convenient. As mentioned earlier, the eSIM card is integrated into the device, so you no longer need to buy a plastic SIM card. Hence, it is an environmentally friendly choice.

In addition, eSIM allows you to have multiple phone numbers without the need for additional gadgets. In other words, you can use one mobile phone for incoming calls, texts, etc. to several different phone numbers. In the same way, when using one mobile device, you can choose which of the phone numbers you use to call or text from.

People also mention that eSIMs cannot be damaged or lost as SIMs. They are also useful when traveling. You may learn about it more and get to know why it pays more to use eSIM than roaming when traveling abroad.

Here are some of the biggest myths about eSIM cards you may hear:

  • eSIMs support only two data plans

Thanks to such a brilliant feature, eSIMs usually support up to five data plans. This means that you can have up to 5 different phone numbers using one mobile phone. It gives you the freedom to purchase your data plans ahead of time and simply activate them at the time you need.

eSIMs supporting two and more data plans atr especially handy for those who work multiple jobs and need to be reachable 24/7 via cell phone. If there were no eSIMs, you would have to carry three or more mobile phones with you!

  • Using eSIM is expensive

This is another well-known myth. While you may indeed come across cases where eSIM plans are more expensive than SIM card plans, there are plenty of examples where the opposite is true - eSIMs come out much cheaper than SIMs.

So, it is not correct to generalize the information in this case. After all, just as you can choose from a variety of mobile communication plans that are supported by a SIM card, the same is with an eSIM. The cost of the plan depends on your capabilities and the needs you have.

  • eSIMs are not reliable at all

Many people believe that eSIMs are not very reliable to use, because the data stored in them can be quickly stolen by hackers and passed on to third parties. They say that in this case, there is a risk of considerable trouble - theft of sensitive personal information and savings, etc.

However, this is not true. ESIMs are no more vulnerable than regular SIM cards. Therefore, to say that users of eSIMs can potentially face greater risks than those who use SIMs is wrong.

  • They are too difficult to use

All innovations are often accompanied by the rumor that they are more complex than previous solutions. However, this is not true. It's just that people do not like changes - they cause inconvenience and require changing existing habits.

Of course, using an eSIM is different from a SIM. The process also takes longer if you want to migrate the eSIM from one device to another. However, to say that using an eSIM is more complicated than using a SIM is incorrect.

  • eSIMs are made for those who travel a lot

Is it true? Unfortunately, not. It cannot be said that eSIMs are designed for use by those who travel a lot. However, it is true that using an eSIM while traveling is more convenient than using a regular SIM card. Using an eSIM card, you will no longer need to buy a local network card when you arrive in a new country.

Also, the use of eSIM is often cheaper than roaming services. However, determining the difference in amounts is difficult. In each case, it must be considered what mobile plan the user has chosen.

  • eSIMs can only be used in a small number of devices

We should start with the fact that eSIMs are not some amazing new things that just appeared. In fact, such brands as Samsung, Apple, Huawei, and other mobile device manufacturers have been popularizing this technology for the last couple of years.

Therefore, almost all new devices allow the use of eSIM. Over time, such devices will only increase. It is predicted that in the near future we will not be using regular SIM cards anymore. Their popularity will be overshadowed by eSIM.

All in all, most of the myths surrounding eSIMs are based on inaccurate information or simply ignorance. Although eSIMs still cannot be called perfect, in the long run it will resemble it - there is no doubt that eSIMs will soon become an indispensable part of mobile phones and other devices that require data plans. Big technology brands are working in this direction.