Document Digitization: Reasons Why You Should Go For It

Document Digitization: Reasons Why You Should Go For It

A digital document is any text, graphic, music, film or mixed file that was created on a computer or other electronic device and that can be saved and then read in digital form. So much for the definition and general considerations regarding digitization. However, it is worth focusing on a deeper and very common question that raises certain concerns among entrepreneurs and concerns the legal validity of digitized documents.

Thanks to this, most technological solutions regarding digital documentation can be used without worrying about the validity of the documents created and processed in digital form.

1. Digital Documents Are Cheaper

With the departure from the traditional, paper form of documents, the costs of paper, printers and scanners are disappearing. However, thorough audits and the experience of many companies prove that the greatest savings resulting from the digitization of documents should be sought much deeper. The greatest cost reduction concerns working with paper documentation in organizations.

Storing paper documentation, its subsequent digitization, and finally archiving, i.e. preparing documents for archiving, maintaining an appropriate register and physically storing these documents. The statement that a digital document is a cheap document also applies to the reduction of costs related to the remuneration of people dealing with documentation. By digitizing documents, you will also save space in the office, cabinets filled with binders will no longer be needed, and piles of paper will disappear from desks.

2. Digital Documents Optimize the Workflow

An important goal of changes in the company is to facilitate and speed up work. Thanks to the digitization of documents, employees have immediate access to them and I do not have to scan them, search for them in archives, or convert them (e.g., PDF to DWG, PDF to HTML, etc.), as is the case with traditional documents on paper.

Therefore, it can be assumed that the digitization of documentation improves the efficiency of work in the company and allows it to become a more flexible organization.

3. Document Digitization is the Beginning of Transformation

Once you take the first step towards it and the entire team sees that the transformation process itself was not tedious, and the comfort and level of work have definitely increased, further development of the company in this direction will be only a matter of time.

Properly implemented digitization of documents can encourage both the owners of the company and employees to more bold actions related to the implementation of modern technology in the organization. To put it simply, replacing paper documents with a digital form is often the first step on the path of technological development of the company.

4. Go ECO

In addition to the fact that your company will make a real contribution to improving the environment, it also gains in the eyes of customers. Companies with an eco-image are perceived as responsible and modern.

Moving away from paper in favor of digital documents is a real ecological action that will contribute to improving the environment and your company's reputation. Research on current and developing trends proves that ecology is a strong trend that will remain with us for many years.

5. Take Care of Your Company's Image

By looking for common features of brands that customers love and admire, those with which they want to identify, you can easily find such common features as modernity, focus on setting trends, ecology and modern technologies. Therefore, since an organization's departure from paper documents in favor of a digital version is often a prelude to greater readiness to implement modern technology.

Since a company's image largely depends on its innovation and openness to new things, all you need to do is "connect the dots" to get closer to success. Document digitization is one of the most easily noticeable proofs by customers that a company actually fits into this trend of a modern and ecological organization.

6. Digitization Improves Security

The use of electronic documentation also affects the way documents are stored and the access to the information contained in them. In practice, this means greater security of information and data than in the case of traditional, paper documentation. Numerous and easy-to-implement IT solutions such as a PDF program as SwifDoo PDF for Windows, that contribute to improved security speak in favor of e-documentation.

These include:

  • Document encryption
  • Controlling access to servers where documentation is stored
  • Easily grant and revoke access to files (documents)
  • Two-step verification of the identity of people with access
  • Ability to create backup copies of documents

Of course, it should be borne in mind that all of the above-mentioned document security methods require the development and adherence to appropriate procedures. Therefore, the key to the security of documents and the data contained in them will be the adherence to these principles by employees. Only then can an appropriate level of protection of stored documents be ensured.


Document digitization does not have to mean a revolution in your organization. Stick to well-organized and functioning current processes by selecting appropriate and modern tools for them. Revolutionary changes that are supported by modern technology allow you to achieve great successes.

However, not every company is ready for this in terms of its human resources, developed work methods, know-how, or financial possibilities. However, this does not mean that plans and dreams about digitization and the use of modern technology should be postponed. Sometimes it is better to take the path of evolutionary changes, which over time will become the seed of a real transformation of the company allowing the use of, among others, electronic signature on a tablet.