The Role of Technology in Investigating Truck Accidents

The Role of Technology in Investigating Truck Accidents

Getting involved in a truck accident is more than filing a claim and repairing the vehicle. There are costs and injuries associated with trucking accidents, and often there are many victims. Corporations get held under scrutiny if a company truck is involved in even a minor wreck, and finding out exactly what happened so insurance claims and police reports can be filed accurately (and any legal claims taken care of as well), can be difficult if there isn’t much to go off of initially.

Thankfully, technology is ever-evolving, and while society relies on technology largely for communication and convenience, it plays a major role in investigating vehicle-involved accidents as well. If you’ve recently been involved in a truck accident or want to know what technology could do to benefit your case, here are some things to consider regarding the role of technology in investigating truck accidents.

Why Use Technology To Investigate Truck Accidents?

Why go through the added effort and expense of using technology to investigate truck accidents when there are witnesses, visual evidence (tire marks, debris, and other evidence), and the ability to take photographs of the scene? Aside from the fact that photographs and video evidence from cell phones and police footage count as technology (albeit more traditional), there are other benefits to support the use of technology. Technology helps create a more detailed picture of what has happened in a truck accident case so police reports, insurance claims, and even legal court claims can be given more relevance.

What Is The Role Of Technology In Investigating Truck Accidents?

Technology wears several hats when it comes to investigating truck accidents. It’s not only used to provide proof of what happened, it’s used to determine exactly how an accident occurred. With the assistance of technology, creating a safer environment for driving truck and dealing with legalities, liabilities, and responsibilities surrounding an accident becomes much easier. Here are some of the ways technology can be useful in a truck accident case.

Corroborate Evidence

Technology helps to corroborate evidence presented by either testimonies, physical evidence, or statements given by witnesses. If there are conflicting witness statements, for example, technology will help determine outcomes of how an accident occurred so the truth of what is going on is easier to make out — and eventually document for insurance or legal purposes.

Provide New Evidence

Technology can provide new evidence to a Nashville truck accident case or an accident occurring in another city or state. This can be helpful if you’re having issues with proving how an accident occurred or if you are being accused of causing a truck accident and you know you are not at fault. Even if you get into an accident in Tennessee and hire an 18 wheeler accident attorney in Nashville, your odds of improving your case and proving you did not cause the accident are made much better if you have technology on your side to give a more accurate representation of what happened.

Provide Insight Into What Happened

Even if no one is injured in a truck accident and what is being dealt with is largely property or vehicle damage, it’s important to know exactly how a wreck occurred. Technology can be used to diagnose any potential flaws in an 18 wheeler or other type of truck that could cause a wreck. Or, technology could be used to recreate the incident to give professionals a better idea of what happened.

Knowing how a wreck is essential because if there are recalls on a truck or there are flaws in the roadways that caused the wreck, knowing how to repair these issues can help prevent these truck accidents in the future. This can also potentially save lives. Just like technology is always improving trucks and other vehicles to keep truck accidents from happening in the first place, technology can be used to determine what still needs to be improved upon to make long-haul vehicles even safer for everyone.

How Technology Is Used In Trucking Accidents

A few ways technology is used in trucking accidents have already been provided, including photographs, videos, and recreations of what happened at the accident scene. A strong digital defense is helpful in many ways. Other ways technology can be used may be the following.

GPS To Determine Positioning

GPS may be used in a truck accident to determine accurate positions of vehicles before wrecks. This can determine how a wreck could have occurred as well as help determine the approximate speed and direction of vehicles just before the collision.

Airbag Deployment Detection

Technology can be used to determine when an airbag has gone off and at what speed the vehicle was going in to make the airbag go off. This can help determine the approximate severity and time of the accident.

Security Footage Tracking

If your truck is outfitted with a dashcam or other type of security footage recording (or if there is a nearby structure with security cameras onsite that could have recorded the wreckage) the footage can be used to help determine several aspects of a wreck.

If You Have A Truck Accident

If you have been involved in a truck accident, get legal representation right away. You need to act quickly to ensure you gather as much evidence as you can to build a case for insurance and legal purposes. The sooner you take action, the sooner you can get results and get back on the road.