Unlocking the Power of Long-Tail Keywords for Smaller Websites

Unlocking the Power of Long-Tail Keywords for Smaller Websites

Are you looking to get higher SERP rankings? And you don’t know how? Well, we have a solution for you: long-tailed keywords, especially if you have a small website. That way, you can appear in most searches and get the most organic traffic.

It will also help you reach your content's target audience, sell more products, and increase your company’s revenue. So, you can look at the next section to see the benefits of long-tail keywords before an SEO expert in Singapore gives you the best SEO solution.

Benefits of Long-Tail Keywords for Smaller Websites

Here are a few benefits of long-tail keywords for smaller websites -

Personalize The Content

One of the greatest benefits of long-tail keywords for smaller websites is that you can personalize the content on the website. This is because long-tail keywords contain four or five words, which can help you build personalized content. Furthermore, the words contain other information like gender, nationality, and geographical location.

That way, you can curate content that covers different niches and expand your reach on the web. With the help of a content strategy, you can also target your targeted audience and achieve more market penetration. Moreover, you can cater to various services offered by your company and get more reach for your sites.

Assistance to Voice Search

Voice searches are slowly becoming the trend in modern times. As per Moz, 70% of people do voice searches. This shows how people engage with the search on the search engine. Furthermore, you can see people like to search with a sentence or with questions to get the desired results.

Therefore, with a long-tailed keyword, you can enhance your reach and become visible to the people. Consequently, you can see applications like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa that can help you get the desired results in a conversational manner. Moreover, today brands like Toyota are introducing voice assistants to drive better and access the internet. That way, the long-tailed keyword will help you to get better visibility and increase your SERP rankings.

Get Higher Rankings

As discussed earlier, more than 70% of people delve into voice searches to get their desired results. Therefore, it is said that focusing on long-tailed keywords can get you higher SERP rankings. That way, you can generate more leads and make more sales to increase your revenue and profit.

Moreover, you can use this strategy to beat your competition and get more out of your website. It is also a way to drive organic traffic to your website and increase your presence on the web. So, choose the trending long-tailed keyword to get more market penetration and stay ahead of competitors.

Rank Short-Tailed Keywords

Another benefit of getting more long-tailed keywords is that you will be able to rank your short-tailed keywords. This is because long-tailed keywords contain 4 to 5 short words, which means they contain short-tailed keywords. That way, you can target your specific and targeted audience.

Therefore, you can get higher SERP rankings and drive more traffic to your website. Moreover, you can rank your content and appear when someone types the keywords on Google. So, you can use long-tailed keywords, which will help you rank your sites and build a Google-friendly website.

The Bottom Line

In the end, we can say that long-tailed keywords will give you the opportunity to rank your website. Moreover, you can generate more leads and increase your sales and profit margin. That way, you can get SERP rankings, more market penetration, and increased organic traffic on the website.

Hence, you can go to Google Analytics, which can help you find trending keywords that will help you rank your sites. You can also do market research to figure out your target audience and create your content strategy around those long-tailed keywords. Later, you can build the perfect website with good rank and authority.


Here are a few frequently asked questions -

What is the benefit of using long-tail keywords?

You can optimize your website so that it appeals to different kinds of searches.

Are long-tail keywords more likely to convert?

With your long-tail keywords, you can target a more focused audience.

Why are long-tail keywords important in a PPC campaign?

Here is the importance of long-tail keywords -

Lower competition
Higher conversion potential