Solving the challenge of website fleet management

Solving the challenge of website fleet management

Mar 1, 2022

Organizations face a major challenge in ensuring their online services, applications, and websites are deployed and managed effectively and economically. In recent years, with interest in infrastructure technologies such as Kubernetes and Docker surging, container orchestration technologies have emerged as a core technology. While many organizations have adopted some level of containerization within development, adoption for production remains relatively low, with organizations citing as barriers a lack of expertise and increasing security challenges.

Today, many organizations choose to rely on Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offerings that provide a complete platform for development and deployment, including container orchestration. They also provide the complete infrastructure needed for production, including security infrastructure, load balancing, and high availability—all fully supported by the PaaS provider.

PaaS offerings vary significantly. This paper will cover some of the features and technologies that Paas provider incorporates specifically. Currently, has more than 5,000 business customers (2,000-plus enterprise); 65,000 developers rely on the PaaS, with a large proportion doing so for production.