Wind River and Percepio; from the Wind River Partner Program Series

Wind River and Percepio; from the Wind River Partner Program Series

Mar 26, 2020

Percepio CEO and founder Dr. Johan Kraft describes Percepio and its trace visualization products in the context of its partnership with the California-based multi-national embedded software powerhouse Wind River Systems.

#embeddedsoftware #Tracealyzer #DevAlert #visualtrace #Linux

Percepio is a leading specialist in visual trace diagnostics. Providing advanced solutions and tools to help Wind River customers spot anomalies in their software during runtime, both in the lab and in deployed operation in the field.

Wind River has been a Percepio partner since 2012, most recently collaborating around Wind River Linux with new Tracealyzer with Linux support.

Wind River provides rich software platforms that make it easier for embedded application developers to quickly introduce new funcationality

Percepio's Tracealyzer allows for top-down exploratory analysis by abstracting this low-level trace data into high level overviews, graphs and charts where it's easy to spot anomalies and then drill down to see the cause.

Percepio's DevAlert extends this capability to deployed devices in the field by providing device developers with immediate awareness when a runtime issue is encountered. Visual trace diagnostics is included to speed up resolution.

Percepio DevAlert & OTA enables a DevOps feedback loop for continuous improvement.

Wind River / Percepio customers include ABB, a multinational technology leader and the Swedish aerospace and defence company Saab AB.

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