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June 2024

Back to the Basics: The Foundational Role of DDI in Any Network

In the ever-evolving landscape of networking, there are a plethora of three-letter acronyms that make up the wonderful alphabet soup that is a part of every engineer’s vocabulary. Whether it’s TCP, UDP, SSH, or one of the many other dozens, one acronym is commonly left out of the discussion: DDI. These seemingly simple letters are often overlooked or rarely thought of, but they are a crucial foundation for managing a stable, secure, and efficient network.

Is Artificial Intelligence for Infrastructure and Operations really just Intelligent Automation?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have the potential to revolutionize IT infrastructure and operations (ITOps) by automating routine tasks, enhancing system reliability, and improving efficiency. However, the term “Artificial Intelligence” can sometimes be misleading in this context. A more accurate description might be “Automated Intelligence” because these tools often automate predefined tasks and processes rather than exhibit true cognitive intelligence.

Harnessing AI for Cybersecurity: Beating AI Attackers at Their Own Game

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, AI-powered attackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated. To counter these threats, organizations must adopt advanced security technologies that leverage AI technology as part of a multi-layered approach to security.