A Step by step guide to building Dashboards with Pandora FMS
Did you know that you can easily upgrade to the next version with the Update Manager? Contact us to try Pandora FMS Enterprise and know all its advantages: https://bit.ly/2O9hoRf
Did you know that you can easily upgrade to the next version with the Update Manager? Contact us to try Pandora FMS Enterprise and know all its advantages: https://bit.ly/2O9hoRf
Systemd logs, without exemption, can be monitored in this proof of concept that we will see next. But what is systemd and how does it work? I will tell you in advance that I do not want to create any controversies, I will keep my opinions on systemd.
In this article, we will focus on Proxmox VE monitoring, a virtualization system, for which you will use Pandora FMS agent plugin.
SaaS has rapidly become the go-to software and computing solution for businesses and industries across the world. While it’s costly to develop and deploy servers and infrastructure for your business out of pocket, you will be glad to hear that software-as-a-service seems to be a more affordable and more scalable solution for just about everyone. What are the benefits and drawbacks of SaaS?
These release notes describe new features, improvements and bug fixes in Pandora FMS NG 751. They also provide information about upgrades and describe some workarounds for known issues.
We live in an uncertain world and monitoring should try to make sure that whatever happens we will always be informed. Therefore, security is the basis of everything in monitoring and for us it has always been one of the pillars of our strategy as a product. Security is not a technology, it is a way of thinking and acting, we could even say that it is an attitude. For years we have attended international fairs, events where computer security is offered as specific products.
Confidentiality, integrity and availability are the three basic laws of security. Availability is a kind of wayward son who becomes prodigal when he likes to, even if it is just to write eulogies with it when the systems go down, although the truth is that it is the most neglected out of the three of them and perhaps that is why monitoring has become more approached for what it may come from outside than what it is inside.
Pandora FMS is a proactive, advanced, flexible and easy-to-configure monitoring tool according to each business. It gets integrated into all the needs of servers, network computers, terminals and whatever needs to be monitored. This article applies exclusively to Pandora FMS Enterprise and what is exposed cannot be used in Pandora FMS Community.
IT teams are essential for many companies to work. And, although due to the nature of their work they have certain features, you should not forget that, after all, they are human teams, so they have similar characteristics to those of any other group. The sensible thing, then, is to remember that if you want your IT team to work to the fullest, you must be able to optimize several of the aspects involved in its performance, both the characteristics of the IT field and more general ones.
What are logs? In computing, when generally speaking of “log”, we refer to information belonging to a more or less low level reported by the operating system or a specific application that helps identify what is being done, including errors, problems or minor warnings, and when that happens, it indicates the date and time. In some cases, the source, the user, the IP address and other interesting fields from the point of view of what has happened can be identified.
What is bandwidth? Over the last few years, and at the dawn of the very celebrated arrival of the Internet into our homes and our beloved cell phones, concepts such as bandwidth, previously restricted to more technical contexts, have come into our lives hand in hand with waves of experts who recommend this or that connection based on criteria that usually fits your brother-in-law’s wisdom.
What is VPN? You know that in IT we absolutely love acronyms, right? Specifying and summing things up is our thing. Digital Video Disc? DVD. Central Processing Unit? CPU. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line? Yes, you guessed it right: ADSL. In fact, tell me a word, no matter how long… What the heck! let’s take one of the longest words, with no more and no less than 23 characters: electroencephalographer. Well, how would we find this word in a hypothetical technoglossary?
If you run a sizable enterprise, your network is probably sprawling. You also probably have a network management or IT security team on the payroll to handle monitoring. Their job is to check the network for potential security intrusions, make sure resources aren’t overloaded in one area, and otherwise ensure that things run smoothly.