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VMware Management Pack Update Release (20.5.1899.0)

The third update release for 2020 of our VMware Management Pack for Operations Manager is now released. Improvements include better performance, extended discoveries of properties, and vSAN monitoring. We also simplified the configuration and licensing experience and moved everything under the administration pane. This will require you to remove the old Licensing UI Management Packs before upgrading.

Future proof your VMware monitoring in SCOM

VMware vSphere 7, the new generation of vSphere was released in April 2020. This major new release brings a massive improvement in the work experience of vSphere administrators. If you work with VMware you probably noticed many exciting new features released in vSphere 7. ​ Many of them are a bit out-of-scope for this blog post as we will primarily focus on monitoring. If you want to learn all about the latest VMware vSphere 7 release, I recommend checking out their blog.

New free community MP: Alert Storm Management Pack

In some scenarios, you might want to have the possibility to get notified if all of a sudden, a large volume of alerts get raised inside Operations Manager. It could be that a large amount of alerts gets raised with low severity that usually isn't a problem on an individual occurrence. Maybe a VMware datastore latency alert is configured as a warning because they might fire off during backup windows. But what if all of the datastores all of a sudden indicates there is a latency issue and raises an alert.

OpsLogix Ping Community Dashboard for SquaredUp

We are happy to announce that our widely popular free Ping Management Pack just got a community dashboard for SquaredUp. The dashboard is now available for download at SquaredUp Community site. The Ping Management Pack Dashboard includes one dashboard and one perspective. We would love to hear your feedback and listen to improvements to get this even better in the future.

What's new in VMware vSphere 7

It finally happened. Many of us thought that vSphere 7 would be announced during VMworld last fall, instead it became a series of “teasers” and strategy changes we had to read about ‘in between the lines’ for what was coming in vSphere 7. Now it’s been determined. Public release happens May 1, with a pre-release event on April 2. So what do we have to look forward to?

OpsLogix VMware MP: Introducing vSAN support

VMware vSAN is a core component for the delivery of your Software Defined Data Center. The newly added monitoring capabilities will support your IT-Operations with even better App-To-Cloud Visibility of your business-critical applications running in the VMware platform. When the new version of our Management Pack is available, a complete release note will be added with all the new exciting features. But for now, we can reveal some of the key components we monitor.

Release of our OpsLogix SCOM ServiceNow Incident Connector

We are proud to announce that our SCOM ServiceNow Incident Connector has now been published in the Azure Marketplace. The OpsLogix SCOM ServiceNow Incident Connector enables you to bring service desk and monitoring data together. It provides a bi-directional connection between SCOM alerts and ServiceNow incidents.

Debugging SCOM Workflows using PowerShell

During our Management Pack Development training sessions, our senior developer Michel Kamp talked about the topic how to debug SCOM workflows using PowerShell. The Knowledge Base article listed below explains in-depth how you can debug your own workflows in SCOM using, Eventlog, WFAnalyzer, Trace by PowerShell and TraceConfig ETW Tracer. So a big thanks to Michel for sharing his knowledge and expertise.

Choose the correct installation path for SCOM: In-place upgrade or side-by-side installation

The day has finally come and it's time to upgrade your Operations Manager deployment. You ask yourself, should I upgrade my existing installation or should I start from scratch and build a new environment, side-by-side? This is a common question asked by organizations that we work with. To answer this question, we usually begin by asking some simple questions: To aid your decision-making process, we have listed some of the pros and cons.