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Network traffic analysis: from packet analysis to flow analysis

Monitoring has always relied on both network administration and network traffic analysis. Both fields provide ways to obtain data that allows us to obtain information about the general state of the platform. It is easy to understand that when faced with, for example, an application performance problem, we want to be able to observe and evaluate the traffic generated, and this is just what network traffic analysis does.

Savings with monitoring: what costs will my company save?

Are you the type of person who wonders why things happen? When you were a child, did you look into the clouds when it rained and wonder what was the mechanism behind it? This is an intelligent attitude. We cannot go through life relying only on chance and our intuitions; sometimes it is convenient to ask ourselves about things before doing them, especially when it comes to making some important decisions.

IPAM. What is it? The major breakthrough of Pandora FMS Release 731

Today we will take a tour of the most technical Pandora FMS. For some people, it can be a challenge. Although the IPAM extension already existed in Pandora FMS world, in release 731 this extension was improved to the point of being considered as a new extension. But what is IPAM? What is IPAM? and what is it for?…. In this article we will answer these important questions to be able to use it.

Data Lake. What are we talking about?

Data! More data! What is Data Lake? Big Data is not only a more or less fashionable marketing “word”, but also contains a quite clear concept: the accumulation and processing of enormous amounts of data in order to take advantage of the knowledge they may contain. So far so good: it’s easy to describe (not so easy to do, though).

The use and importance of Maps in Monitoring

Maps have been related to the management and monitoring activities of IT platforms for a long time. Years ago, when there were no tools available to generate the graphical vision we call maps, the documentation of the device that made up the platform was usually carried in tables and diagrams where the existence of the components, their characteristics and relationships were recorded.

How to monitor WAN load balancers

Since load balancers are active devices that can be included in the design of a WAN, the question arises: Should we adapt our monitoring scheme to include something that could be called Load Balancer Monitoring? To answer this question we can assume that WAN monitoring is based on the following fact: the behaviour of communication links directly affects the performance of applications and therefore the entire platform.

Discover easy monitoring with the new feature of Pandora FMS: Discovery

Throughout Pandora FMS’s history, constant improvements and functionalities have been introduced that have made Pandora FMS an advanced monitoring tool. At the same time, the more advanced the tool, the more complex its administration and configuration becomes. The R&D team, together with the team of developers, saw in this growth of complexity an issue to deal with, wanting to reduce as much as possible the doubts that a user could find when working with Pandora FMS.

Monitoring policy system in Pandora FMS. What they are like, what they are and where to find them

“Monitoring policy system”, “monitoring policy system”, “monitoring policy system”… As much as you repeat it, it still sounds boring, unappetizing and expensive. But you have to admit that an in-depth contact with the monitoring policy system, especially the system that concerns you, is also useful, convenient and practical after all. Therefore, to benefit you, we will start today with the policies in Pandora FMS.