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5 Ways to Get Valuable Insight From Your AWS Bill

Did you know that Virtana Optimize’s Bill Analysis tool shows you not just the services currently monitored by Virtana but all services to deliver an overall view of your AWS cost? And if you’ve set up and configured consolidated billing to link multiple AWS accounts, you can include data from all those accounts in that view. You can even add multiple billing orgs to the same Virtana Optimize account.

Virtana Migrate Demo & Value

With the Virtana Platform, enterprises can make data-driven migration decisions to get it right the first and every time workloads are migrated. The unified platform also dramatically simplifies optimization and management of workloads regardless of their location in an increasingly complex IT infrastructure. The hybrid infrastructure optimization capabilities of the Virtana Platform can deliver a return on investment (ROI) of as much as 145% over a three-year period.