6 Smart Tips to Get Instagram Sponsorships for Small Business

6 Smart Tips to Get Instagram Sponsorships for Small Business

Getting a good brand sponsorship on Instagram is like a dream come true for any small business account. This not only creates income but also promotes trust in a brand and makes it more visible. But how can you draw interest from companies with a small following?

Well, it requires some deep research and a good strategy. Worry not, fellow growing entrepreneurs. This blog will equip you with some great strategies to get Instagram sponsorships even with a small IG follower count.

Why are Instagram Sponsorships important for small businesses?

Trust us when we say that Instagram sponsorships can really do wonders for your small business. Here’s a list of some benefits you will be getting after cracking a good brand deal;

Increased Brand Awareness: Collaborating with brands on Instagram can expose your own business to a new audience group other than existing customers. A good number of IG likes is also a great way to gain the attention of potential customers. You can buy IG likes to improve your account visibility on the platform.

Monetize Your Passion: Well, let’s just put it this way, who does not love earning some extra bucks from here and there, right? Brand sponsorships can transform your creative activities into revenues that support you.

Build Credibility: Partnering with brands you love and believe in adds a layer of authenticity to your account. Your followers trust your recommendations, and that's gold for small businesses. Instagram reel views are also an important metric to improve your IG account’s credibility. You should try to increase and even buy Instagram reel views as it will make your content look trustworthy.

Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional advertising, Instagram sponsorships often offer a more affordable way to promote your products or services.

Access to Resources: Sometimes, you can get some free stuff, good deals, or chances to work with people on a fresh idea when you have sponsorships.

6 Smart Tips to Get Paid Sponsorships on Instagram for Small Business

If you are worried that your instagram account is too small to get sponsorships, here are some foolproof strategies to make you gain a good brand collab. Let’s have a look at them;

1. Know Your Audience

This is the most important research you have to perform before saying yes to any sponsorship. Here’s how you can delve deeper into your target followers;

Define Your Niche: Before diving into sponsorships, make sure you know your Instagram niche. Your followers and brands will trust you 50% more if they know what you are focused on within fashion, fitness, travel, or other topics.

Do Demographic Segmentation: Who is your Audience? Knowing your followers’ demographics such as their age, location or interests would make pitching for brands easier.

Calculate Your Engagement Rate: It's not just about follower count. Engagement is key. Calculate your average like and comment rate to showcase your influence.

2. Leverage Instagram's Tools

Instagram tools can be a great way to help you reach famous brands and get insights about your audience to decide your niche. Here’s how to utilize them;

Utilize Instagram Insights: Gain valuable insights into your audience's behaviour and content performance.

Explore Creator Marketplace: Discover potential brand partnerships through Instagram's creator marketplace.

3. Build Meaningful Relationships

When you develop stronger relationships on the platform, it creates the perception of you being a credible business with even a small follower count. Follow the below tips to make deeper connections on Instagram;

Engage Authentically: Don't just post and ghost! Engage with your viewers in the comments. Respond to questions, answer feedback, and participate in discussions. This builds relationships and keeps people coming back for more.

Cultivate Brand Relationships: Engage with brands you admire, even without immediate sponsorship opportunities.

4. Pitch Like a Pro

A compelling pitch can increase your chances of getting a profitable sponsorship by 20%. Below are the tips to make an attractive pitch;

Conduct Thorough Brand Research: Conduct extensive research about the brand to show them you are well-versed in their values, target audience, and brand voice. Utilize platforms like AspireIQ, Upfluence, or Tribe to connect with brands actively looking for influencers, particularly Instagram influencers who can enhance their social media presence.

Create a Compelling Media Kit: provide them with a very irresistible media kit—hitting on the audience demographics, engagement metrics, and any previous collaborations.

Customize Your Pitch: Tailor your pitch and personalize it by making custom pitches that show why your audience demographics and how it will be relevant to the brand's target market.

Maria (@maria.blog_) is a third-year student at the University of California, Los Angeles. With around 3,000 Instagram followers, she is building a business as a travel and fashion influencer by leveraging her small audience. As of July 2024, Maria had worked with dozens of brands, used a media kit to pitch partnerships, and earned a total of $5,000 from paid partnerships on Instagram.

Strategically follow up: Politely and persistently follow up if no initial response is received but avoid being overly pushy.

5. Negotiate to get a Profitable Brand Deal

Once you’ve caught a brand’s attention, negotiate terms that work for both parties. Let’s see how to do it:

Understand Your Worth: Consider factors like content creation, exclusivity, usage rights, and payment terms when negotiating with brands. Calculate your rates based on your influence and the value you bring to their campaign.

Be Transparent: When you use hashtags such as #ad or #sponsored in your content, your audience must understand what you are promoting in order to keep the relationship transparent and maintain trust between you two.

6. Measure and Demonstrate Your Impact

After completing sponsored posts, measure your performance metrics. Here’s how to do it:

Analytics: Provide brands with detailed analytics and insights into your engagement rates, reach, and audience demographics. Use analytics tools like Instagram Insights or third-party platforms to track and analyze your performance.

Feedback: Request feedback from brands to improve future collaborations and build long-term relationships. Use constructive criticism to refine your content strategy and better meet the brand’s objectives.


Now, we hope we have convinced you that getting Instagram sponsorships for small accounts is completely possible. By concentrating on generating valuable content, forming connections as well as effective pitching, you can change your Instagram small business into a money-making venture. Always remember that every big business once started as a small one, you keep trying.

So, are you all set to fulfill your Instagram dreams? Begin by identifying what you love, develop content worthy of attention then start focusing on building a following around it. If you remain focused, eventually you will get good sponsorships.