Project Description
Marathon-lb is a tool for managing HAProxy, by consuming Marathon's app state. HAProxy is a fast, efficient, battle-tested, highly available load balancer with many advanced features which power a number of high-profile websites.
- Stateless design: no direct dependency on any third-party state store like ZooKeeper or etcd (except through Marathon)
- Idempotent and deterministic: scales horizontally
- Highly scalable: can achieve line-rate per instance, with multiple instances providing fault-tolerance and greater throughput
- Real-time LB updates, via Marathon's event bus
- Support for Marathon's health checks
- Multi-cert TLS/SSL support
- Zero-downtime deployments
- Per-service HAProxy templates
- DC/OS integration
- Automated Docker image builds (mesosphere/marathon-lb)
- Global HAProxy templates which can be supplied at launch
- Supports IP-per-task integration, such as Project Calico
- Includes tini zombies reaper
Download source code as [.zip file] [.tar.gz file]
Documentation: [README]