The long awaited SCOM 2022 is here! If you’d like to know what improvements to expect, check out our blog on SCOM 2022 key highlights. If you’re as excited as we are and would like to proceed with your upgrade, keep reading, this is the detailed step-by-step guide you are looking for. We will take you through the whole process, covering: Stick with us, and by the end of this blog you’ll have successfully upgraded to SCOM 2022!
Back when everyone was talking about the ‘new normal’ and what the future of work would look like post-pandemic, SquaredUp was having a rethink too. SquaredUp has always been a 100%, office-based company with a heart for bringing people together. Richard Benwell, CEO, and the executive team had created a company that is truly fun, collaborative, and integrated, largely based on their drive to keep people connected and build an incredible community – in the office.