In the Data Age 2025 report, worldwide data is expected to grow 61% to 175 zettabytes by 2025. The enterprise sector, in particular, generates more than 30% each year. To be ready for a digital future, consider the scaling strategy of data infrastructure beforehand. Scale-up and scale-out are the main ways to add capacity to your infrastructure.
OpsRamp helps IT teams monitor the availability of physical, logical, and virtual storage resources with performance indicators for storage capacity, overall utilization, and disk latency. IT teams can optimize their storage environments with granular visibility for storage components such as volume, fiber channel, RAID, SAN switches, LUNs, caches, and disks.
In a world where organizations store and process more data with each passing year, technology has evolved to keep pace. For example, hard drive capacities have increased steadily and adoption of scalable cloud storage platforms has headed skyward. At the same time, storage vendors have introduced solutions to accelerate storage read and write times — which have historically been a bottleneck in computing.
I remember with some nostalgia the five-and-a-quarter-inch floppy disks, and then the more robust three-and-a-half-inch floppy disks. I shouldn’t even write the word rigid anymore, but you’ve got me: it’s for younger people to ask: “But how many kinds of disk are there?
Exoprise recently released new storage sensors for end-to-end monitoring and testing of Azure Blob or Amazon S3. These sensors, once deployed against a container, enable continuous monitoring of access performance, uptime and availability of Azure Blob storage or Amazon S3. They enable network and storage administrators to test network capacity, latency and effective bandwidth to the various object store regions and datacenters that support the stores.
Amazon EBS allows you to provision storage volumes for your EC2 instances without having to actually manage physical hardware. However, since it’s a managed service, you have less visibility with traditional monitoring tools. As such, it becomes even more important to take advantage of the available monitoring tools in AWS. In this post, we’ll explain how to use CloudWatch to monitor EBS and what is important to watch.