#Razorops CI/CD live demo with Real Customer Questions.
Follow this post to deploy your static website using aws s3 free of cost just in 15 min.
Linode is one of simplest, affordable, and accessible cloud computing platform, It has recentely launched managed Kubernetes called Linod Kubernetes Engine(LKE). Following video expalins how to create Linode Kubernets Cluster and Connect to RazorOps Dashboard. Razorops is a container Native CI/CI tool to automate and ship you application to any Kubernetes.
COVID-19 has led businesses into extreme work challenges. To overcome these challenges, companies have shifted their working patterns and have embraced Remote Work to avoid any negative impact on employee’s health as well as the business. COVID-19 has made IT-sector office culture’s shift to remote work prominently. The tech teams, who already have DevOps processes in place, got huge benefits and did not get much impact while shifting their workplace from regular office to home.
Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes (like yum, apt and home brew ) that allows easily package, configure, and deploy applications onto Kubernetes clusters. Helm charts are packages (like debs and rpms) It contains pre-configured kubernetes resources such as ConfigMaps, Deployments ,StatefulSet manifests, PersistentVolumes and editable settings for them.
Container registry is a repository for storing docker images or container images, A container image, comprised of multiple layers, an image is essentially built from the instructions and executable version of an application.