Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


New era of observability l Blackfire Continuous Profiler

A new era of observability: introducing Blackfire Continuous Profiler for PHP, Python, Node.js, and Go. Blackfire continuous profiler available to all Production plan customers. After extensive development and refinement, we are proud and excited to announce the immediate availability of our Continuous Profiler for all Production plan customers. This highly anticipated feature is now ready to elevate your application performance monitoring and troubleshooting experience.

DrupalCamp Florida 2024: sharing takeaways from the experts

I had the pleasure of returning to DrupalCamp FL (DCFL) again this year and even now in its sixteenth year, DCFL 2024 was as lively and energetic as ever. Approximately 130 people descended upon Florida Technical College to share their experiences and knowledge surrounding Drupal and I’m here to share the highlights!

We manage the infrastructure complexities l Platform.sh

You deliver the code. We take care of the infrastructure complexities. Deliver your applications faster, at scale. Built for developers, by developers. The efficient, reliable, and secure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that gives development teams control and peace of mind while accelerating the time it takes to build and deploy applications.

Trusted, proven PaaS platform l Platform.sh

Platform.sh, a PaaS with flexible, automated infrastructure provisioning and Git-based process optimizes development-to-production workflows. The choice is yours with our multicloud, multistack PaaS supporting more than 100 frameworks, 14 programming languages, and a variety of services to build, iterate, and deploy your way.

Limit deployments to Platform.sh only with tags: part one

Throughout the years, many users have asked us if it’s possible to only deploy to Platform.sh when a tag is pushed using a source code integration. The answer is: with our current source integrations, it's not—but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Platform.sh is based on Git and because of this, acts as a remote for your code repository.

Standardizing your web application stack and how to do it

Managing web applications from the ground up can be a daunting task. One application alone can quickly grow in complexity, let alone the multiple applications that are often required by different business units and stakeholders growing simultaneously. Add the ever-changing landscape of trendy frameworks and runtimes, and you quickly find yourself with an unmanageable mess of different technologies. Standardizing your application stack can help reduce the clutter.

Proudly announcing Platform.sh's participation in the Data Privacy Framework (DPF)

As individuals become increasingly conscious of their personal data and how it is used, compliance with data protection regulations is a top priority for organizations worldwide. However, a challenge arose with cross-border transfers of personal data between the EU and the US following the Schrems II ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union, leading to the creation of a new privacy framework.