Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Announcing the latest version of Security Monitoring for Splunk App

It’s been a while since I have had the pleasure of announcing a new version of Security Monitoring (September 2018), but today I am doing just that. There is nothing better to inspire spending your evenings coding and playing with Splunk than your partner watching shows that just don’t interest you! For my UK friends, yes ‘Love Island’ is that show and for my more international friends "look it up!". So, what updates did I bring?

Manufacturing 2020: Time to Reinvent After a Golden Decade

Generally, 2009 to 2019 were 10 golden years for manufacturers worldwide. After the swift recovery from the economic and financial crisis in 2008/09, many manufacturers have been enjoying double-digit order intake growth, increasing revenues and profits for over a decade. German manufacturers in particular benefitted from an unprecedented peak in 2018. Volkswagen delivered a record-high number of 11 million cars and grew its revenues to 236 billion euros, the highest revenue ever in its long history.

World Economic Forum In Davos - Growth in Global Technology Risk

Hey there, While the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos always dominates the news agenda across a variety of topics I wondered what discussions around technology occurred this year, particularly from a cybersecurity perspective. During my reading, I came across the global risks report 2020 published by WEF and thought sharing some of the key points would help you in case you have to argue about the importance of cybersecurity.

Detecting CVE-2020-0601 Exploitation Attempts With Wire & Log Data

Editor’s note: CVE-2020-0601, unsurprisingly, has created a great deal of interest and concern. There is so much going on that we could not adequately provide a full accounting in a single blog post! This post focuses on detection of the vulnerability based on network logs, specifically Zeek as well as Endpoint. If you are collecting vulnerability scan data and need to keep an eye on your inventory of systems that are at risk, then check out Anthony Perez’s blog.

Creating a Custom Container for the Deep Learning Toolkit: Splunk + Rapids.ai

The Deep Learning Toolkit (DLTK) was launched at .conf19 with the intention of helping customers leverage additional Deep Learning frameworks as part of their machine learning workflows. The app ships with four separate containers: Tensorflow 2.0 - CPU, Tensorflow 2.0 GPU, Pytorch and SpaCy. All of the containers provide a base install of Jupyter Lab & Tensorboard to help customers develop and create neural nets or custom algorithms.

Best Practices for Using Splunk Workload Management

Workload management is a powerful Splunk Enterprise feature that allows you to assign system resources to Splunk workloads based on business priorities. In this blog, I will describe four best practices for using workload management. If you want to refresh your knowledge about this feature or use cases that it solves, please read through our recent series of workload management blogs — part 1, part 2, and part 3.

The Daily Telegraf: Getting Started with Telegraf and Splunk

In this blog post, we discuss using Telegraf as your core metrics collection platform with the Splunk App for Infrastructure (SAI) version 2.0, the latest version of Splunk’s infrastructure monitoring app that was recently announced at Splunk .conf19. This blog post assumes you already have some familiarity with Telegraf and Splunk. We provided steps and examples to make sense of everything along the way, and there are also links to resources for more advanced workflows and considerations.

CVE-2020-0601 - How to operationalize the handling of vulnerabilities in your SOC

Software vulnerabilities are part of our lives in a digitalized world. If anything is certain, it’s that we will continue to see vulnerabilities in software code! Recently the CVE-2020-0601 vulnerability, also known as CurveBall or “Windows CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability”, was discovered, reported by the NSA and made headlines. The NSA even shared a Cybersecurity Advisory on the topic. Anthony previously talked about it from a public sector and Vulnerability Scanner angle.

Too Many Security Alerts, Not Enough Time: Automation to the Rescue

It’s 2020, which means it’s time to look back at 2019 and reminisce about the good times – fun with family and friends, good food, travel, and memories to last a lifetime. Who am I kidding? Everyone remembers the bad stuff. The increasing impacts of climate change; relentless fires in the Amazon, California, and Australia; political and social unrest around the globe; and the last season of Game of Thrones. Jon Snow... you still know nothing.