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Pandora FMS

Docker Compose, introduction to container orchestration with Pandora FMS

We continue with our series of articles on containers. First, we started with creating our own images with Docker Build and saw how to run them with Docker run. But today we will learn what Docker Compose is and start our journey into the world of container orchestration. Up to now we have managed containers manually and separately, which for some specific test may be valid and functional. But when the number of containers to manage starts growing, this method becomes infeasible.

Data Security for Big Data

Big data security is a term used for all collective measures taken to protect both data and analytical processes from theft, attacks or all other malicious activities. Just like other forms of cybersecurity, big data security is about attacks originating from every online or offline sphere. Companies operating on the cloud face multiple challenges including online information theft, DDoS attacks and ransomware.

Pandora FMS vs Centreon vs Nagios XI

Centreon is a solution for monitoring applications, systems and networks, based on Nagios source code. On 1st August, 2005 the company Merethis (now Centreon) was founded and began working on “their” Nagios version, calling it Oreon. In July 2007, the Oreon software changed its name to Centreon due to a name conflict with Orion (a component of the SolarWinds monitoring suite).

The importance of Cloud monitoring: AWS

In previous articles we talked about the need to move forward to cloud technology, as well as about the incorporation of the monitoring of this technology, describing this need with Microsoft Azure tool. Now we are going to describe the Amazon AWS tool, its differences regarding Microsoft Azure and we will delve into monitoring AWS with Pandora FMS.

Pandora FMS server performance monitoring

Servers are an essential part of the IT of many companies. A server down could cause significant damage: from service stopping and productivity decreasing to losing direct sales and image problems that cause loss of customers. But these problems are not limited to the times when a server stops working. It is also common for this one, or any of the devices or applications involved in its operation, to suffer deficiencies – sometimes difficult to notice – that cause low performance.

Focusing on virtual server monitoring

It is undeniable that today we really live in cloud… of virtual servers. It is so because the vast majority of services and applications “rely” on them: any survey shows, outright, that users use them very frequently (banks, universities, e-commerce, etc.). But, how is virtual server monitoring done? Pandora FMS has done its homework and today I will explain how.

Enterprise monitoring software: what to know before choosing

Finding an enterprise monitoring software is not an easy task. On the one hand, there are multiple options on the market that offer solutions of all kinds. On the other hand, you know that the implementation and eventual replacement of a tool with these features can be a burden and that, if you make a bad decision, you will regret it later.

How to get the most out of Pandora FMS User Experience

Pandora WUXServer is an internal Pandora FMS server component, which allows users to automate their web navigation sessions. The WUX or Web User Experience feature is a simple and efficient way to check the status and proper function or your websites and applications from a single centralized point (Pandora FMS). Thanks to it, you may reproduce a 100% real transaction, as if it were done by any of your users. You are even provided with the option to choose the browser this transaction may be performed with among the most popular ones in the market (Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Internet Explorer).