Aiven workshop: Learn Apache Kafka with Python

Aiven workshop: Learn Apache Kafka with Python

Feb 15, 2024

What's in the Workshop Recipe?

Apache Kafka is the industry de-facto standard for data streaming. An open-source, scalable, highly available and reliable solution to move data across companies' departments, technologies or micro-services.

In this workshop you'll learn the basics components of Apache Kafka and how to get started with data streaming using Python. We'll dive deep, with the help of some prebuilt Jupyter notebooks, on how to produce, consume and have concurrent applications reading from the same source, empowering multiple use-cases with the same streaming data.

Finally we'll check how streaming data in Apache Kafka can be reshaped in real time, enabling new data stakeholders and, at the same time, satisfying regulatory needs.

You will learn:

  • Apache Kafka main components
  • How to Produce data to Apache Kafka
  • How to Consume data from Apache Kafka
  • How to setup concurrent consumers
  • How multiple application can read from the same dataset
  • How to reshape the streaming data in real time


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Teach yourself Apache Kafka® and Python with a Jupyter Notebook: