Monitoring Azure Logic Apps Standard: Auto-Correction and Alert Configuration

Monitoring Azure Logic Apps Standard: Auto-Correction and Alert Configuration

Sep 12, 2024

The video discusses monitoring Logic Apps Standard, specifically at the workflow level. Michael Stephenson - Product owner for Turbo360, explains how to configure alerts and auto-correction for workflows in Logic Apps Standard.

He demonstrates how to set up a rule to trigger an alert when a workflow is disabled and how to auto-correct the workflow back to an enabled state.

Key moments:
(00:00:01) Introduction to Monitoring Logic Apps Standard
(00:01:49) Difference between Logic Apps Standard and Consumption
(00:01:58) Monitoring Individual Workflows
(00:02:14) Configuring Alerts for Workflow Failures
(00:02:39) Auto-Correcting Workflow State Changes
(00:03:02) Demonstration of Monitoring and Auto-Correction in Turbo360
(00:03:35) Triggering an Alert and Auto-Correcting the Workflow State
(00:04:39) Reviewing the Incident and Monitoring History
(00:05:10) Configuring Turbo360 Rules and Monitoring Frequency

➢ For an in-depth exploration of Azure Logic Apps monitoring, check out this detailed guide -

➢ Get started with Turbo360 today with a 15-day free trial at -

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