Private SaaS: What Is It and How Does It Affect Your DevOps Tools?

Private SaaS: What Is It and How Does It Affect Your DevOps Tools?

Dec 16, 2022

While the usage of traditional SaaS for delivering DevOps tools is well understood, there is a new way of delivering DevOps tools that combines the flexibility of SaaS with the control of self-hosted. Join us to learn more about Private SaaS.

Private SaaS is a variation of traditional SaaS where the provider runs the software within the customer’s network but takes the responsibility for managing and securing it. The provider’s Private-SaaS framework takes care of reliability, availability, upgrades and Day 2 operations. The private SaaS mode splits the control plane and the data plane, allowing customer data to remain within their network.

In this webinar, learn about what it takes to design a Private SaaS deployment framework and also learn about how OpsVerse delivers its DevOps tools platform as Private SaaS.