Sips - "Monolith to Microservices: Scaling - AKA, Blowing things Up!"

Sips - "Monolith to Microservices: Scaling - AKA, Blowing things Up!"

Dec 11, 2020

Coffee and Containers "Sips" are short clips from the regular Coffee and Containers web series.

Often times, teams get really excited once they start to see benefits from a microservices architecture, and they start migrating everything. But scaling brings in an entirely new set of challenges. Gone are the days of simply throwing more load balancers at the problem. What are some additional challenges that teams are going to encounter when they start to scale and what are some strategies that can help them address some of these things?

Vivek Pandey, VP of Engineering at Shipa (, and Patrick Deuley, Sr Product Manager at GitLab ( discuss