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The future of K3s and Kubernetes

Join us in our roundtable panel as we discuss how the future of k3s is being shaped by the industry and examples of how we utilize k3s applications. Kunal Kushwaha and Kai Hoffman, Developer Advocates at Civo, will address the concepts surrounding k3s as well as where the Kubernetes industry is heading. K3s is designed to be a single binary of less than 40MB that completely implements the Kubernetes API. This is recognized as a fully CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) certified Kubernetes offering whilst removing a lot of the extra drivers that aren’t needed.

Kubernetes management with Portainer and Civo

For our upcoming meetup, we'll be joined by Portainer to look into how the container management platform can help simplify day-to-day Kubernetes management. In this session, Saiyam Pathak, Director of Technical Evangelism at Civo will discuss various Kubernetes dashboards that can be used to view the cluster and its related metrics and discuss the benefits of each. Saiyam will also look into the Kubernetes dashboard, Skooner, Headlamp, lens, and octant.

Extracting Value from the Kubernetes Events Feed - Civo

Kubernetes events can provide unique and clear insights into cluster health and performance, but how do you cut through the noise and better understand your environment? Matthew Lenhard, Co-founder & CTO of ContainIQ, will discuss how to extract value from the Kubernetes events feed. In this webinar, we will explain what Kubernetes events are, how to use them, and tools that can be used to get the most out of them.

Introduction to Cloud-native Monitoring and Observability - Civo

Our applications and infrastructure provide us with vast amounts of data about their performance. To gain control over this amount of data, we must process it to be useful information. This information can offer you insights into where your application could be performing better, with more efficiency, or with fewer errors. Your insights can only be as good as the data you gather and how you organize it. More is not (always) better - this is where observability comes in.

K8s monitoring and observability with ContainIQ

Matthew Lenhard, Co-founder & CTO of ContainIQ, will discuss how to extract value from the Kubernetes events feed. Kubernetes events can provide unique and clear insights into cluster health and performance, but how do you cut through the noise and better understand your environment? In this webinar, we will explain what Kubernetes events are, how to use them, and tools that can be used to get the most out of them.