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How VMware Tanzu Observability Helps Teams Move Faster and See Everything

Watch this overview of VMware Tanzu Observability to learn more about how its cross-silo view gives platform engineers, SREs, operations managers, and developers critical insight into the health of their apps, Kubernetes, and multi-cloud.

Tanzu Talk: managing remote working, strategy & people

In this episode, Coté is joined by Rick Clark and Sophie Seiwald to discuss management challenges of remote working. You know the drill: everyone has been working from home since the spring, taking away all the advantages and habits of working face-to-face. What’s new in this conversation is some advice for doing strategy communication, something that’s especially important when you’re relying on autonomous developer teams. We also discuss keeping people’s spirits up and making casual conversations with the boss more like running into each other in the hallway instead of an ominous “we need to talk” meeting.

Kubernetes Is Not Just Kubernetes-Ramp Up with These Eight Open Source Projects

When was the last time you got a Kubernetes cluster up and running and said, “Welp, now we’re done”? Probably never. The cluster is only one part of the puzzle. In this demo, you will see eight open source technologies that provide different aspects of operating Kubernetes. Get a technical demo of Kubernetes automation with Cluster API, use Kubeapps and Harbor to provide easy access to new applications, utilize Antrea and Contour to improve network performance, visualize the cluster with Octant, measure conformance with Sonobuoy, and save the day with Velero.

Tanzu.TV - The Future of Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes with Paul Warren, Jared Ruckle, and Dieu Cao

Join members from the VMware cf-for-k8s project to discuss the latest news from CF Summit. We’ll show a demo of “cf push” atop Kubernetes, and discuss on how these two communities are coming together.

Tanzu Service Mesh Autoscaler Feature Demo

This is a demonstration of the Autoscaler feature in VMware Tanzu Service Mesh. With Tanzu Service Mesh Autoscaler, developers and operators have automatic scaling of microservices that meet changing levels of demand based on metrics, such as CPU or memory usage. These metrics are available to Tanzu Service Mesh without needing additional code changes or metrics plugins.

Tanzu Service Mesh SLO Feature Demo

This is a demonstration of the Service-Level Objective (SLO) feature in VMware Tanzu Service Mesh. Service-level objectives provide a formalized way to describe, measure, and monitor the performance, quality, and reliability of microservice applications. SLOs provide a shared quality benchmark for application and platform teams to reference for the purposes of gauging service-level agreement (SLA) compliance and continuous improvement.

Deploying Cloud Foundry for Kubernetes on a Tanzu Mission Control managed Kubernetes cluster.

Cloud Foundry for Kubernetes has reached GA! Watch Paul Czarkowski create a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Kubernetes cluster using Tanzu Mission Control ( don't worry CF4K8s works great on any Kubernetes cluster, even KIND ). Once the cluster is up Paul installs some infrastructure including the Harbor registry and then deploys Cloud Foundry for Kubernetes on the cluster using Harbor as its container registry.