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Log4j and VMware Tanzu Application Service

This video goes into detail on how to perform application and platform mitigation of the Log4j CVEs using VMware Tanzu Application Service. Please note: This content is relevant as of 12/16/21 and could become outdated due to the ever-changing Log4j situation. Here are some additional resources regarding this vulnerability.

Taznu Talk: How to Draw an Owl, and, how VMware Tanzu helps you transform

This is a new EBC-ish talk from Coté on how to overcome four common barriers to getting better at software in large organizations: can’t change fast enough, bad tools and long wait times, no one trusts change so doesn’t, legacy systems. It gives a brief overview of what the VMware Tanzu portfolio is all about, what the point of getting better at software is, and then covers four common barriers to change for large organizations and how they overcome them. All with a little help from Tanzu, of course.

Getting Started with Tanzu Community Edition: A Technical Overview

You've heard of VMware Tanzu Community Edition, but now let's see what it looks like when we put it all together. In this 30-minute video, we go over some use cases and how the individual technologies come together to create a platform. Then we dive into a demo. This presentation was created for the 2021 VMUG Global Event.

How Tanzu Application Platform Profiles Work

VMware Tanzu Application Platform Profiles allow for a quick and effortless installation of Carvel packages and their dependencies. These Profiles speed up the installation experience dramatically and allow users to get started quickly and focus on running their workloads and building secure applications as intended.

VMware Tanzu Service Mesh Enterprise Edition: Securing APIs at Runtime

Catch this keynote preview of VMware Tanzu Service Mesh Enterprise Edition at VMworld 2021. APIs can introduce exposure for your applications at runtime. Tanzu Service Mesh Enterprise Edition is designed to help you reduce this runtime risk through visibility, secure policies, and root cause analysis.