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GrafanaCon EU 2018: The Design of IFQL, the New Influx Functional Query Language

The new InfluxDB query language is functional in nature. Conceptually it looks like D3 or jQuery. Functions are chained off each other. This gives greater flexibility for what the language can do and opens up new possibilities for UI builders. This talk will cover the details of the language and user interface ideas that can pair up nicely with it. We'll look at query examples that perform math on metrics, interpolation, and similarity measures.

GrafanaCon EU 2018: Inherited Technical Debt - A Tale of Overcoming Enterprise Inertia

Amgen has been on a journey to confront the multi-million dollar elephant in the room. Technical debt that had been passed down for 10 years in their monitoring portfolio. But how to overcome inertia and a failure to understand how to maximize internal value for data that belongs to organization to begin with?

GrafanaCon EU 2018: What Does Kubernetes Look Like? Performance Monitoring and Visualization with Grafana

Monitoring Kubernetes is vital to understanding the health and performance of a cluster, but which metrics are most important to add to your dashboards and alert on? Jacob will discuss how to most effectively monitor and visualize your Kubernetes cluster using the Grafana Kubernetes plugin and PromQL.