CTO Fundamentals II - 3:4 CTO Legacy Webinar Recording

CTO Fundamentals II - 3:4 CTO Legacy Webinar Recording

Corneliu Fatulescu has more than 23 years of experience in SaaS, two-sided markets, user-generated content, and media products. Currently, he's leading a team of 60 engineers working on defining the technology strategy and vision at the group level.

Have you ever assumed another CTO's legacy? Did you say, "Wow! I love it. We have a solid foundation. We need to keep going, and everything will be alright"? Or was it more like, "this is a sinking mess"?

The most diplomatic would claim that the legacy fell somewhere in the middle. Or that this is absolutely normal in our industry.

This presentation is for anyone who wasn't satisfied with what they discovered. But as the script was being written, we paid particular attention to CTOs who wished to perform better and make a stronger impact on the company they were employed by. CTOs make a lot of effort to enhance technology over the long term.

  • You will learn how to elevate your position at the executive management table with access to valuable tools.
  • You will learn how to improve your chances of successfully completing a CTO mandate.
  • You will learn how to increase the likelihood of a positive assessment during technology due diligence.
  • You will learn how to enhance your level of maturity in the field of technology management.