Experience Omni Dev with CodeZero with Narayan Sainaney - Navigate Europe 23

Experience Omni Dev with CodeZero with Narayan Sainaney - Navigate Europe 23

Jan 18, 2024

Join Narayan Sainaney, co-founder and CTO of Codezero, as he unveils the groundbreaking concept of Omni-development on Kubernetes.

Explore the challenges developers face with microservices and how Codezero's solution streamlines the development process, reducing complexity and enhancing productivity.

Watch as Narayan demonstrates the practical application of this novel approach and discusses its impact on the future of software development.

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00:00 - Introduction to Omni-development on Kubernetes

01:05 - The Concept of Blast Radius in Development

02:06 - Challenges with Microservices and Local Environments

03:48 - Introduction of Codezero

04:37 - Practical Demonstration of Codezero

09:10 - Integration with Existing Development Tools

10:09 - Importance of Naming Conventions and Data in Environments

10:59 - Q&A and Further Insights