Going Beyond Observability with Rollbar and Datadog

Going Beyond Observability with Rollbar and Datadog

Oct 18, 2021

In this webinar, we explore some of the common objectives shared by users of both Datadog and Rollbar and how best to accomplish those goals. Datadog provides comprehensive observability covering a large swath of services and components, while Rollbar’s advanced intelligence and code improvement features help to make code insights more actionable and easily fixable.

0:00 Introduction & housekeeping

1:16 Agenda

1:54 What is Rollbar? What is Datadog?

3:13 What problem are we solving?

4:20 Rollbar as a complement to Datadog

6:00 Key use cases for Rollbar+Datadog

8:13 Key benefits of Rollbar+Datadog

9:34 Feature review

13:41 Demo

24:33 Q&A

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Rollbar is the leading continuous code improvement platform that proactively discovers, predicts, and remediates errors with real-time AI-assisted workflows. With Rollbar, developers continually improve their code and constantly innovate rather than spending time monitoring, investigating, and debugging.