How the FDAP stack drives innovation with open source Apache projects

How the FDAP stack drives innovation with open source Apache projects

Using open source projects from the Apache foundation to build low-level database software drives innovation. Andrew Lamb, Staff Engineer at InfluxData and PMC for the Apache DataFusion project, discusses the components of the FDAP stack - Flight, Arrow, DataFusion, and Parquet, explaining how building with these tools helps companies focus on innovation instead of spending dev cycles reinventing the wheel.

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0:00 Intro

0:24 Defining the FDAP stack

0:40 Apache Parquet

0:47 Apache Arrow

0:52 Apache DataFusion

1:01 Apache Arrow Flight

1:11 FDAP as reusable components for next generation systems

2:10 The traditional approach - deep pockets and VC money

2:32 Advantage of using open source, like FDAP, to develop enterprise software

3:17 How open source enables greater innovation

4:12 Building databases with reusable components, like FDAP

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