How to Measure Jitter | Obkio

How to Measure Jitter | Obkio

Dec 3, 2021

Jitter is one of the core network metrics that you should be measuring when monitoring your network performance.

Jitter is your network's biggest enemy when using UC and real-time apps like IP telephony, video conferencing, and virtual desktop infrastructure.

The most accurate way to measure Jitter is by using a Network Monitoring Software, like Obkio.

  1. Deploy Monitoring Agents
  2. Deploy Network Monitoring Agents in key network locations like offices, data centers and clouds.
  3. Collect Jitter Metrics
  4. Obkio continuously measures jitter by sending synthetic traffic every 500ms for the most precise jitter measurements.
  5. Analyze Network Jitter
  6. Analyze jitter measurements in Obkio's Network Response Time Graph and pinpoint jitter anywhere in your network.
  7. Identify the Worst
  8. With aggregation, Obkio shows you the worst jitter values in the aggregated graph.

For example: The amount of jitter displayed over an aggregated period of 1h is the worst median jitter of all the small 1-min periods within that hour.

Obkio shows you the worst Jitter percentages to highlight network issues, where they’re located and what’s causing them.

  1. Troubleshoot Network Jitter
  2. A great monitoring solution will also allow you to collect the data you need to troubleshoot jitter.

Leverage troubleshooting tools like:

  1. Traceroutes
  2. Device Monitoring

To identify exactly where, when, and why the jitter is happening.

Start monitoring jitter for free with Obkio!

Obkio is a simple network performance monitoring solution that allows users to continuously monitor the health of their network and core business applications to improve the end-user experience.

Easily identify the source of a system failure and so you can quickly apply the corrective measures, right at the heart of the problem, before it affects your end users.

Try Obkio for free here: