A KDC/One senior system administrator shares why ADManager Plus blows his mind!

A KDC/One senior system administrator shares why ADManager Plus blows his mind!

KDC/One provides beauty, personal care, and home care solutions through its worldwide presence. It used to have issues creating and terminating users and was looking for a solution to automate this process.

Cedrick Tshibamba, KDC/One's senior system administrator, was mind-blown when he came across ADManager Plus and its capabilities. They are now able to schedule creating and terminating users at ease, which used to take them half a day previously.

He shares how KDC/One can now get complete visibility of user groups and, with the help of ADAudit Plus, knows whether someone is added or removed from a group. KDC/One has found ADManager Plus to be useful, as it has administrators spread across the globe.