Transforming Financial Services with Modern Observability: Moov's Story

Transforming Financial Services with Modern Observability: Moov's Story

As a new company poised to transform the financial services industry with its modern money movement platform, Moov wanted an equally modern observability platform as part of the company’s operational tech stack.

With Moov's platform hosted in Google Cloud, it uses a diverse range of technologies to allow clients to accept, store, send, and spend money. The integration of numerous software providers further amplifies the complexity of each transaction. "Ensuring we can meticulously track each step of the money movement transaction is paramount for our operations. Finding the perfect observability partner was essential to our business," said Joel Tosi, CTO at Moov.

Moov initiated a vendor evaluation process with a primary focus on identifying a platform capable of managing high-cardinality data with the ability to trace down to a single request. "I assessed multiple vendors to gauge their cardinality limits and quickly narrowed down to a single vendor: Honeycomb," remarked JJ Philipp, Senior Software Architect at Moov.

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