Troubleshooting Container Network Latency in Kubernetes with Kentik Kube

Troubleshooting Container Network Latency in Kubernetes with Kentik Kube

Nov 8, 2023

Kentik Kube brings network observability to Kubernetes. In this Kentik Kube product demo, we navigate a real-time scenario of troubleshooting high latency within a Kubernetes cluster. The Kentik Kube map offers a visualization of our environments, complete with automated alerts and the ability to correlate performance metrics directly to affected pods.

In this demo, we tackle an underperforming online shopping application, zero in on an EKS cluster, and diagnose the issue down to a problematic payment service. Using Kentik Kube's interactive UI, we show how to uncover a common latency issue across multiple pods on a single node, analyze node-to-node traffic, and how custom dashboards let us pinpoint the exact source of the problem.

Learn how Kentik Kube identifies issues and guides you through the action steps needed for resolution and future prevention. Take the first step towards seamless service and application performance in your Kubernetes environment—sign up for a free trial of Kentik Kube at