Hey, Matt from GitKraken here. I’ll admit, we’re a tad obsessed with developer productivity. Tools like GitKraken Client and GitLens are great for helping any developer go further, faster. But building software is most often a team sport. So over the past year, customers of all sizes have been imploring us to fill two important voids.
Over the last several months, AI has been everywhere in the technology space and far beyond. Since it directly affects the tech ecosystem, however, it’s no surprise that developers have harnessed artificial intelligence to create tools that boost productivity and enhance workflows. Artificial intelligence is essentially a computer’s ability to perform tasks at the same level (and often beyond) as intelligent beings.
If you’ve ever found yourself juggling multiple code versions and branches, desperately needing a toolkit to keep things organized, you’re in good company. We understand the challenges of version control, and that’s where these Git clients for Mac come into play.