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Chaos Engineering

Pitfalls in Measuring SLOs  Danyel Fisher & Liz Fong-Jones  Failover Conf 2020

We built support for SLOs (Service Level Objectives) against our event store so we could monitor our own complex distributed system. In the process of doing so, we learned that there were a number of important aspects that we didn’t expect from carefully reading the SRE workbook. This talk is the story of the missing pieces, unexpected pitfalls, and how we solved those problems. We’d like to share what we learned and how we iterated on our SLO adventure.

Human-in-the-Loop DevOps  Taylor Barnett  Failover Conf 2020

Within DevOps, automation has become a North Star. We want to automate the toil away, but the goal of "no toil" is unattainable. Many runbooks can only be partially automated because they still require human intervention and insights. Human-in-the-Loop DevOps is the idea that we can benefit from automating toil while still embracing the human interaction in specific tasks.

The Future of DevOps is Resilience Engineering  Amy Tobey  Failover Conf 2020

For more than a decade, many of us have been working to bring Devops to organizations around the world. We’ve made amazing progress, but there’s so much more to do. Now that we have continuous integration & deployment widespread and developers are taking more ownership of production, what’s next? Amy will talk about what Resilience Engineering is, how it relates to devops, and how she thinks it gives us the science and research we need to take our organizations to the next level of robustness while remaining agile and growing our ability to care for the people around us.