00:10 Will there be any further Windows development in Icinga 2 except for the Windows agent part?
01:10 Are the Windows plugins considered to be deprecated?
02:12 Is it possible to only have the Icinga agent and the plugins without having the whole Icinga for Windows framework?
03:38 Are there plans to provide the PowerShell plugins as standalone, so one can use the plugins without the framework stuff?
00:10 Why are there some issues and PRs that have not been looked at for some time?
01:34 Are there plans to increase the number of people working on the Director?
01:51 Why is there such a discrepancy between the HA functionality in Icinga 2 versus Icinga Web 2 and its modules? And will this improve in the future?
03:17 Will it be possible to tunnel module traffic with the Icinga traffic? Is something planned for managing for example x509 in a distributed setup?