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Network monitoring: The build vs. buy dilemma

AI-based monitoring and anomaly detection is the key to ensuring that businesses can keep pace with the high level of service required for mission-critical applications. Early, contextual detection is a basic requirement for speedy resolution. AI-based monitoring creates more visibility and provides the agility needed to mitigate the outages, blackouts, glitches and issues that do and will happen.

Proactively monitoring customer experience and network performance in real-time

According to a recent Capgemini research, fewer than half (48%) of consumers feel that the connectivity services that they have today adequately meet their remote needs. Still, many CSPs openly admit that they often hear about service issues via social media and sites like Downdetector. And with the fixed/mobile convergence, a negative home broadband experience now has the potential to cause churn for CSPs’ mobile customers too.

Increase approval rates with AI-based payment transaction monitoring

The financial world is being increasingly digitized and decentralized with many more networks, data sources and movements that need to be reconciled and monitored — not to mention satisfy compliance requirements with various regulatory bodies. The digital transformation and decentralization of the Fintech segment has resulted in increasing channel complexities, more third party applications and a higher volume and velocity of payments data that need to be monitored in real-time.

Payment gateway analytics for payment service providers

Payment gateway analytics tracks the payment processing journey and related event data across all payment gateways. When used efficiently, payment gateway analytics can benefit businesses by providing insights into their revenues, payment trends, and customer behavior. Payment gateway analytics provides much needed visibility into the payments environment to enable the fast detection of transaction performance issues, anomalies or trends.

Transforming the Gaming Industry with AI Analytics

In 2020, the gaming market generated over 177 billion dollars, marking an astounding 23% growth from 2019. While it may be incredible how much revenue the industry develops, what’s more impressive is the massive amount of data generated by today’s games. There are more than 2 billion gamers globally, generating over 50 terabytes of data each day.

How Influencing Events Impact the Accuracy of Business Monitoring

Businesses are flooded with constantly changing thresholds brought on by seasonality, special promotions and changes in consumer habits. Manual monitoring with static thresholds can’t account for events that do not occur in a regularly timed pattern. That’s why historical context of influencing events is critical in preventing false positives, wasted resources and disappointed customers.

Webinar Recap: Lessons learned from T-mobile Netherlands' road to zero touch

How close can CSPs come to realizing the zero touch network vision, and what are the best next steps for getting there? To discuss this question Anodot brought together a panel of experts, including Kim Larsen, CTIO of T-Mobile Netherlands; Ira Cohen, co-founder of Anodot and the company’s chief data scientist; Fernando Elizalde, analyst at GSMA Intelligence; and moderator Justin Springham.

Curb network incidents fast with cross-domain correlation analysis

For many CSPs, increasingly complex networks and immature technological solutions result in a typically long time to the detection and resolution of incidents that impact the customer experience, the brand’s reputation, and the bottom line. With RAN, Mobile and IP core, transport and applications and dozens of other integrated components, the network is one of the most complex areas to monitor.

Preventing Shopping Cart Abandonment with Anomaly Detection

The global pandemic has changed B2C markets in many ways. In the U.S. market alone in 2020, consumers spent more than $860 billion with online retailers, driving up sales by 44% over the previous year.eCommerce sales are likely to remain high long after the pandemic subsides, as people have grown accustomed to the convenience of ordering online and having their goods – even groceries – delivered to their door.

Using AI/ML to Increase Gaming Monetization

Gamers are not shy about reaching into their wallets for premium content and features. They also won’t hesitate to tap the uninstall button at the first sign of trouble. It’s not uncommon for a gamer to boot up a hotly anticipated new game or revisit an old favorite only to put it down days or weeks later. The culprit is often gaming monetization issues that get in the way of what would otherwise be a long-term rewarding gaming experience.