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Top tips: Four new tech trends to look out for (that aren't AI)

If you’re anything like me, you’re burnt out by all the hullabaloo surrounding AI lately. It just happens to be one of those trending tech topics everyone and their mother wants to talk about these days (case in point: ChatGPT). Truth be told, a lot of this fuss is justified, especially when you consider the incredible developments we’ve seen in the field of AI, to the extent where a lot of things that were once considered impossible have become a reality.

The Role of Technology in Detecting and Preventing Business Fraud

Fraud is an ever-present threat to businesses, costing companies billions of dollars in losses each year. The ability to detect and prevent it has become increasingly important as criminals continue to find new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in corporate systems. Fortunately, technology can play a major role in helping organizations identify and stop fraudulent activities before they occur. Read on to find out how!

The 4 Biggest Issues Facing Employees In 2023

As the working world has always evolved, there is more of a need for employees to evolve along with it. Unfortunately for the average worker, modern technology has evolved more in the last fifty years than at any other point in history. What's more, these advancements have also brought with them a series of other issues. 2023 is a year when all of this unsettlement around this new technology is supposed to relax. However, there are still some serious issues facing the modern workforce in this period.

Stay Afloat in the Tablet Market: Finding Quality Options on a Budget

The tablet market has become increasingly competitive in recent years, with numerous manufacturers competing for market share. As a consequence, a diversity of tablets at various price points are now available. While high-end tablets may offer the most advanced technology and features, their price may be prohibitive for many consumers. Fortunately, those on a budget can access top picks for affordable tablets. So, let's dive right into it! In this article, we will examine some of the most affordable tablets on the market and advise on locating a device that meets your requirements without breaking the bank.

What Kind Of Communication System Should A UK-Based Company Use?

These days, no company can function without some type of information and communication technology (ICT). What would you do in the absence of electronic mail, video conferences, and file sharing? It's difficult to imagine how a 21st-century company might run without these tools. Businesses may save time and money collecting, storing, and analyzing data thanks to ICT, not to mention the importance of communication tools that facilitate global collaboration between organizations and their staff and customers.

4 Tips To Follow When Working With Industrial Liquids

Working with industrial liquids can be a challenging and dangerous task, especially when it comes to transporting or storing them. If not handled properly, these substances can cause serious harm to people and the environment. That's why it is important to take appropriate safety measures when dealing with industrial liquids. Here are four essential tips that you should follow whenever you work with such materials.

The Top Features to Look For in a Procure-to-Pay Software Solution

If you're considering purchasing procurement software for your business, you're taking a significant step towards streamlining your procurement processes and achieving optimal efficiency. Procurement is a complex and multifaceted function that involves managing diverse relationships, strategic thinking, and keen attention to detail.

What is LTL - and How Does it Work?

Small businesses have become a vital part of the UK's economic infrastructure, with technological advancements paving the way for start-ups to use digital space for quicker, more effective product development and launch cycles. New entrepreneurs are well-heeled in digital technologies and marketing strategy, but less so with regard to the more tangible elements of running a product-centred business model. LTL is a term with which growing business leaders should be familiar - but why?

From Manual to Digital: The Impact of Technology on Business Operation

A little over a decade ago, businesses relied heavily on manual processes to carry out their day-to-day operations. Unfortunately, manual completion of business tasks was often time-consuming and prone to costly errors, leading to lower productivity and decreased profitability. Fast forward to 2023, businesses all around the world are turning to technology to streamline their operations, making them more efficient and productive.

6 Top Tips For Making The Most Out Of LED Lighting For Your Property

Whether you have a home or business property, lighting is essential for functionality and safety. With advancements in technology, LED lights provide an efficient and effective way to brighten up the darker rooms of your property while consuming less energy than conventional light sources.