Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Interview With Transmosis CEO Chase Norlin

For the seventh instalment in our series of interviews asking leading technology specialists about their achievements in their field, we’ve welcomed the CEO of Transmosis, Chase Norlin to share his journey in the field of cybersecurity as well as his recommendations for those looking to start their career in cybersecurity.

Interview with Cybersecurity Specialist Jen Ayers

For our latest specialist interview in our series speaking to technology leaders from around the world, we’ve welcomed the COO of DNSFilter, Jen Ayers to share her insights from the world of cybersecurity including the latest trends she is seeing on the rise and what business leaders need to keep in mind for the rest of 2021.

Interview with AI Ethicist, Alice Thwaite

For our latest expert interview on our blog, we’ve welcomed Alice Thwaite to share her thoughts on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as the reasons behind founding technology ethics company Hattusia. Alice Thwaite is an AI ethics philosopher and ethicist who specialises in creating democratic information environments.

Interview With CTO Charles Edge

For the third interview in our series speaking to technology and IT leaders around the world, we’ve welcomed experienced CTO Charles Edge of Bootstrappers.mn to share his journey on becoming a CTO twice over as well as his work as an author of twenty books and host to three podcasts, The MacAdmins Podcast, Jamf After Dark & The History of Computing.

Interview With Scrum Master David Rutter

For our second specialist interview in our series speaking to technology and IT leaders around the world, we’ve welcomed Scrum Master David Rutter to share his thoughts on the topic of agile and Scrum as well as where he sees the future of work evolving in this area. David has over thirty years of experience working in IT and works as a Scrum Master across two teams, development and operations. He also blogs about teamwork and agile at the Art Of Team Work website.

Log Management & Managed Open Distro ELK Platform, Logit.io Launch New Teams & Users UI

Log management and managed Open Distro ELK provider Logit.io announced today that they've launched an entirely new redesign of their teams and users pages to improve the user experience for users that wish to add additional members to teams and create new teams easier.

Logit.io's Response To The Elasticsearch B.V. SSPL Licensing Change

On the 14th of January 2021, Elasticsearch B.V. announced that future releases of Elasticsearch and Kibana would be released under a dual license SSPL (Server Side Public License). As a result of this change it is evident that the components that make up Elasticsearch and Kibana in version 7.11 (and onwards) of the ELK Stack will no longer be considered as open source based upon the Open Source Initiative's requirements for licensing.